Post CommentWho Who Who? Also, another day, another gofundme
I could show up for the Travis barker meet and greet and then sell my book Signed. You guys won't have to open a go fund me account. Give me about 3 hours and your money will be there, only if you believe. Brandon Rage (ex motionless, ex a skylit drive, current Travis barker)
I ran out of weed... help fund my addiction @ gofundmydrugs
This news makes me want to buy 87 rock albums for $5 a piece.
I could show up for the Travis barker meet and greet and then sell my book Signed. You guys won't have to open a go fund me account. Give me about 3 hours and your money will be there, only if you believe. Brandon Rage (ex motionless, ex a skylit drive, current Travis barker) permalink | report abuse 12hours and nothing. #EmptyPromise
^ The only question is, "what did he spend his book signing money on? Crack or Cocaine?"
how about you sue the dickhead that hit you like a normal person and get far more money than digital panhandling?
^^ LOL Also: 'Also, another day, another gofundme' Another LOL
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