Post CommentAnother band I've never heard of breaks up. Band name so stupid, I'm not even gonna bother googling them....
Band used to be good. However, their style of metal isn't really relevant anymore. Best of luck.
Playing unremarkable deathcore while wearing flip-flops is not stoked
"Speaking as the main writer for the band however, this is not an end for me but a new beginning. I consider myself a lifer in this music thing, " no no no no NO, bad form dude. you're only hurting yourself. get a job.
good, shit band. always have been a shit band.
'Band used to be good. However, their style of metal isn't really relevant anymore. Best of luck.' Who gives a sh*t about relevancy. Listen to what you like, ...dummy.
"So if you are a fan of what Conducting From the Grave has created, fear not, there will be plenty more songs with similar style for you to jam to in the future." Spent a decade getting nowhere with that sound, still continues his passion in irrelevant sounding metal. Clearly has no desire to progress as a musician or person in life.
Didn't know they were still together. These guys are the most humble guys ever, I was in a new band and they drummer was giving me all sorts of tips to play better and they hung out with us the whole day. They may not have been a massive band but that little act went a long way for me.
^^ yet you still flip burgers at McDonalds. Loser
They had a great stage presence as well as personality and talent, i enjoyed seeing them live every chance I could in florida, driving 4 hours so see them when they couldn't visit. For all you jerks judging them just by their name are hilariously childish. Anyways, sucks to hear, but life happens. Rip in peace
Now if only 90% of that swarming legion of mediocrity called the metal scene would fo the same
I briefly thought this was After the Burial quitting.
Conducting bankruptcy from the grave - band manager
driving 4 hours so see them driving 4 hours so see them driving 4 hours so see them driving 4 hours so see them driving 4 hours so see them driving 4 hours so see them
Rip in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace Rip in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace Rip in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace Rip in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace in peace
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relevant news peice? band has not been relevant since 2009