Post CommentDouchebaggery aside it probably didn't help that they apparently released an album last year too. Flooding the market with bullshit.
This is Ray Clark's worst showing on the charts ever since he registered as a sex offender.
Those numbers ain't that bad for 2015...band still blows through
Vocalist is the biggest jerk I've ever met in my life!
christ loving gay hating fckfaces, i hope they all get beatd by priests, and then beatd by cardinals. fcken scum, absolute scum.
Yea releasing an album every fvcking year results in market saturation ya fvckwits
Would have been #1 album if they went Djent Alvin Djentry
Go fvck yourselves with your crucifix shaped double ended dildos.
Or should I say quadruple ended dildos. The whole band can share one at the same time.
Christian metalcore ba... and I stopped reading. Stoked, shocked, FRONZ, who the fck is Ray?
Only brutal djent warriors know the truth about Ray and hie pedophile ways.
DJENT ant pedophiles go together just look at Justin Lowe
saw them live once, they were terrible. Next time I'll be sure to arrive even later.
that guy who asks you whos your favorite band is stoked.
The last time the billboard top 200 meant something was when Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored Water was #1
Good.... Singer is a total sack with legs. Can't stand this band.
His wife is too hot for him. Think i'm gonna try to tap that
I expect that if they didn't label themselves as "Christian Metalcore" this wouldn't be story. That or every other band in the world always does better than their previous releases.
do u think this band plays with little kids peters too?
So a band placing just under what they used to place on cd sales when 95% of their audience listens to music on apps like Pandora, Google music, Apple music, Spotify etc. It's like comparing cassette sales during the cd boom. Use your heads. The majority of the metal community are adults, the majority of pop music fans are teens, who's buying cds? Teens. This was their best album hands down, and it is an amazing album.
Google music 5 stars, Apple music 5 stars. Lambgoats target audience is pretty much retards obviously..
You two idiots supporting his crap band above me. Do you release that the last cd they released had 14k sold. Now they did 7k. Doesn't matter what idiots submitted reviews on iTunes or Google bullcrap. The last cd they put out on iTunes has almost 400 reviews with ratings and it's actually 4 and a half stars. This new cd has 38 reviews with ratings and it's 4 stars. Point is, they suck so stfu.
this band has all secretly sucked poop out of my gaping fisted jerk in the backtage of the glasshouse in pamona califoria. i was 15.
anonymous 20 hours ago still better than deafheaven lolz
If you want to keep talking shit you pussies can meet me a Tesseract's merch booth...ill be doing sound on the North American Tour with Tesseract, Contortionist, Erra and Skyharbor. A REAL Djent lineup... None of this metal core pansy shit. I'm talking about actual 7 8 & 9 strings that separate the men from the boys... And tight djenty picking techniques that these Christian pussies couldn't even fathom Ray "Djent" Clark
So a band placing just under what they used to place on cd sales when 95% of their audience listens to music on apps like Pandora, Google music, Apple music, Spotify etc. It's like comparing cassette sales during the cd boom. Use your heads. The majority of the metal community are adults, the majority of pop music fans are teens, who's buying cds? Teens. This was their best album hands down, and it is an amazing album. Mattie Montgomery's mom
Yo, Brian Sankus here. These dudes are my dudes forever. I have ran sound for them for countless tours and even caught a glimpse of Mattie's wife's breasts. Yeah be jealous. Anyways, if you shitheaps have any negative to say, literally anything at all... Feel free to come see me at the sound board. I will gladly fight any one of you that says anything bad about my old ponytail or For Today. Keyboard warriors, fck you. Come get some of this dck, gays. Brian Stankus
And don't you dare say shit about Justin Lowe.
weird headline considering Deafheaven sold less than this, charted worse
why the fck is this news? did mattie dis you on Twitter again, haha? no other band warrants a "worst album" article on this irrelevant site
sounds like the general public is getting a little bit smarter
Haha..that comment about Limp Bizkit ..LOL ..f**k you Frankie
Mattie thinks he's a Prophet..end of story.
Who the fck is Ray Clark? Don't pretend to be me or my colleagues, the fck did we do to you?
Lol I'm Ray Clark and I'm a gay bitch. Brian Sankus tears this ass up on the reg. Ray Clark
Actually I'm the real Ray Clark. I can back this up, my credentials can be detailed in my daily music regimine. I wake up and listen to Tesseract's discography (in its entirety) have breakfast ... By lunch I get through peripherys first two albums, mid afternoon I listen to intervals and polyp his playlists at the gym and when I retire to my sleeping quarters I polish off after the burial and volumes albums in their entirety Credentials = Proof Ray "Djent" Clark
Will the real Djent Clark please stand up .... And go sodamize For Today's little sisters
"So a band placing just under what they used to place on cd sales when 95% of their audience listens to music on apps like Pandora, Google music, Apple music, Spotify etc. It's like comparing cassette sales during the cd boom. Use your heads. The majority of the metal community are adults, the majority of pop music fans are teens, who's buying cds? Teens. This was their best album hands down, and it is an amazing album." No.
Perfectly titled album. As in like Wake up, your band fcking sucks, and even that fool otherwise known as God has smittened your pathetic oversaturated metalcore as blasphemously irrelevant
album sales are just an IQ test for your fan base, the more sales you have the dumber your fans are. the smart fans know how to get your music for free. i'd be disgusted if anyone paid for my bands album. i'm not in the business of entertaining retards.
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That's what happens when your frontman is a tool...night night