Post CommentThe "we can't afford to buy on any other shitty tours this year so let's just play with locals" tour.
The " A Day To Remember won't take us on tour again" Tour
Awesome, more reasons to never go see or listen to this band.
Shitty promoters, presales, and empty venues are stoked
fck anyone that has something negative to say about this! I don't like this band but this is awesome for local bands. Buncha keyboard warriors that have no musical talent and have never been in a band are the only people that won't like this tour.
Great idea they are doing. shitty timing. they are less then a moth out from this tour and they are relying on all the shitty local bands to promote this. no one is going to promote, empty venues. TGI will be playing to just local bands and their moms and dads.
So, this will be basically like any other tour where locals open for touring bands.
The "we get to keep all the tour money" tour
Locals only headline A Ghost Inside "Local's Only" tour.
If they don't get the Cambodian Heat or Xthe truth about dreamingx for that Lansing show they might as well set the can on fire.
Everyone hating on TGI for this but if it was Terror everyone would be like "omg so hardcore of them11!1"
Your shitty friends who have tattoos of anchors and arrows are stoked that their Hundredth rip-off band can open this gig. Better break out that beard oil.
Hello it is me, local hot head and metal gods celebrity - the singer of system of a down. I would like to take this cool refreshing lime green day to talk about something up my sleeve for awhile now. The genocide in turkey, amernia
Triumph over shipwreck and drownin' for chi town
I'm thinking about growing my ponytail back. What do you guys think? - Brian Sankus Sankus Sound
I love when shitty shit tours dont even come close to my city.
Your shitty friends who have tattoos of anchors and arrows are stoked that their Hundredth rip-off band can open this gig. Better break out that beard oil. ^^YES^^
Local scene beef that results in a fight breaking out during the opening band and the show being shut down is stoked
I wonder if the DFW date will be as big a shitshow as the Bane/Turnstile show
"Everyone hating on TGI for this but if it was Terror everyone would be like "omg so hardcore of them11!1" Couldn't have said it better myself.
"Everyone thought we were gonna big then realized we a fake numbers band and now we are broke so let's make locals do all the work and we make money" tour
Everyone hating on TGI for this but if it was Terror everyone would be like "omg so hardcore of them11!1" Yeah, but Terror do tours with locals on dates occasionally. The only reason this is "special" is this gay band always does those 8 band stacked packages and prevent locals from getting on the shows.
i think this might just be one of those looks-good-on-paper ideas that will backfire majorly.
I seriously doubt that Triumph Over Shipwreck would tour with these buffoons.
can't wait to see what horrible Denver bands they pull for the show here
This tour seems like an Adam Sandler movie: it simply exists, but you'd have to be in a really troubling place to enjoy it.
That Fort Worth show is going to be a fcking ghost town
Props to TGI for giving the youth/locals a chance at some shine. People will always hate on what they don't understand. You'll all be at the show, see you there! :D Fight me.
The "we are itching for being the only ego because we made ourselves the headliners of every show" tour
Anyone with half a fcking brain knows what happened here: They held out too long waiting for a support tour that never came, then they tried to get bands to support them once they realized it wasn't happening and it was too late to get anyone good. Couple that with them needing money, they masked the shot sadness that is them touring by themselves with a "were so noble, we give locals a chance because we care about hardcore" facade. fcking idiots. Phil Anselmo 2016
Joel Haston booked this shit tf up with those same pinup bands as usual right after he saw the press release on lambgoat.
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Scott Vogel is...ehh, never mind.