Post CommentArtery global announce the "( D )==>~ Market tour"
wassup you stupid mother fckers it's JUSTICE TRIPP from TUI N U better get the fck down to Knocked fckin Loose or you're a fcking metalcore bitch that never left for TRU HXC like my band TUI... So fck u lil biches who try to be hard, cuz I'll sleep ur fckin ass in the pit like I usually do to TRU HXC bands ya FEEL ME fckers???
Adaliah kidnapped big foot off the beef jerky commercials and threw him on the mic.
All these promoters will have to knock loose their piggy banks for this one
Jeff mesage is a god damn chicken hawk! Stop trying to make a living off of kids with a dream you loser. Get a real job you degenerate alcoholic fck face!
Jeff Mesage is a god damn chicken hawk! Stop trying to make a living off of kids with a dream you loser. Get a real job you degenerate alcoholic fck face! permalink | report abuse
kids who have their parents drive them to shows are stoked
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knocked loose? more like knocked GOOSE