Post CommentStay outa my country you biscuit dipping bastards
Special unannounced guests = I See Stars. We know your tricks, ash
Special unannounced guests = I See Stars. We know your tricks, ash They're not British.
Special unannounced guests = I See Stars. We know your tricks, ash They're not British. No, but they're last album was better than both those bands combined.
Bullet For Anyone Who Actually Cares About This
No, but they're last album was better than both those bands combined. What's your point?? The tour is called "British Invasion." Anyone with an IQ higher than that of a box of tissues would figure the other bands would be British, too.
let's call it the british invasion tour guys
we'll send them packing just like we did the last time the british invaded in 1776, with their tails between their goddamn legs bring it on
I had no idea bullet for my valentine were British, but that explains why their name is so gay. Zing!
Special unannounced guests = I See Stars. We know your tricks, ash You're the same fckwit who said this about the slot that was just announced as being, wait for it, a British band. fcking halfwit.
What's your point?? The tour is called "British Invasion." Anyone with an IQ higher than that of a box of tissues would figure the other bands would be British, too. ^ Anyone with an IQ higher than that of a box of tissues would know that your last comma was extraneous.
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