Post CommentYea, because I'm totally gonna read all of that.
I got about 3 sentences in... SHUUUUT UUUUP! Why does anyone who leaves this band, gets kicked out of this band, plays in this band, ect find it necessary to write a fcking book about when, why, and how?
Just fcking break up already. No one gives a shit about their bullshit cult lives or their terrible music. Do the world a favor and stop being crazy douche bags.
lol but you care enough to comment about how you don't care to have to do with them?
if there is a god, he is surely laughing his ass off at For Today
Enough with these god damn "press releases." No PR person who actually gets paid money to do their job would ever craft such drawn out, bed time fodder let alone for these no name bands who don't need publicists or press releases. And for those of you doing the DIY press release - nobody is reading your dribble except for haters and a few fans you have gathered along the way of your failed "career."
for yesterday, for tomorrow and years to come, but never for today.
...oh, and jesus won't help you when record sales drop. you have only your naivety to blame.
This is literally the dumbest thing I've ever read on this site
These motherfckers are just a bunch of fcking slaves and idiots, this fcking band should dissapear! fck God, fck Religion. fck BTK506, and all that new era Hardcore bullshit
Hail satan, worship the beets honk honk - skeeter valentine
My mind can't contemplate how people legitimately believe this shit.
Sounds like these guys are asking for a trip to the nuthouse
Whatever dude, hell is gonna be a party without these fvcktards
Do people still really believe in this jesus bullshit? Or am is the whole world just fckin with me? Y'all some brain dead sheeple.
And now, allow me to reference the bible as to the ways in which I was slighted - White guy in a Metal band Is it possible that the Jesus nerds don't actually see how ridiculous this is?
UPDATE: For Today has now issued a statement on the matter: "We did not kick out Sam Penner for nonsense. We just did not feel he fit in with the direction of the band. We hate the 90s cartoon Doug and all he would do is sit inside the tour bus and watch Doug: The Complete First Season. And most recently we found him in the bus masturbating to naked pictures of Patti Mayonaisse while he was screaming "I am Doug Funnie, love me Patti".
with all this "dishonoring" going on, all parties involved should have committed seppuku a long time ago.
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. everyone in this comments section is now dumber for having read it if they even made it half way through at all. you deserve no honor, and may god have mercy on your soul.
Penner Penne Penn Pen Pe P Pe Pen Peni Penis
"...as the band has never been about playing guitar to collect a paycheck." BAHAHAHAHAH WHAT A LIE
Kicked out for not rimming and deep throating hard enough.
I didnt read ANY of that, but yet I still hate every fcking word of it.
anonymous6 hours ago Hail satan, worship the beets honk honk - skeeter valentine permalink | report abuse ^Winner
Christianity is a cult and you are all brainwashed. Years from now you will wonder how you could have wasted so much of your following a fraudulent god and a fraudulent gospel.
Toured with for today a couple times here's what I got from it. Matty has a huge ego, will argue that he's more Christian than you. Ryan's cool. His brother just does what he's told. And that weird drummer what's his name? Poor sam I hope you were at least getting paid. Back to your old band :)
For both parties!? YOU GUYS DONT PARTY! You can't say that word! That's our word!
When are they going to leak they all smoke weed callin it god's lettuce. Seriously they smoke weed, God fearing sage hating hypocrites
The circle jerk over how terrible God and religion is is more ridiculous and pathetic than anything else. You all have the same, retarded opinion.
The circle jerk over how terrible God and religion is is more ridiculous and pathetic than anything else. You all have the same, retarded opinion. Someone's a god-fearin faaggot
for today is literally garbage. fck them and fck you
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fck For Today