Post Commentthey need to get lou tanuis back. best vocalist they've ever had.
Lou is a user and gave everyone herpes (I'll pay you back bro I swear).
Best vocalist/worst human. Dude used to grope females at shows and pop pills.
conducting from a better paying job amirite?!?!
DREW WINTER HAS THEE TINIEST HANDS THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN ON A GROWN MAN. Also I was wondering if he ever shaved off his PEDO MUSTACHE? That shit made him look like a 14 year old Megadeth fan circa 1987. FFFFFFAAAAAG BAND, FFFFFFAAAAG SINGERS!!! Peace, Níggers!
"Best vocalist/worst human. Dude used to grope females at shows and pop pills." Dude, that's like EVERYONE IN SACRAMENTO. At least the part about TEH PILLZ!
Lou taintius is a punk bitch who needs to get knocked out, YEAH IM CALLIN YOU OUT LOU. Suck me sideways!!!!!!! Anyways, this band is poop ham.
Lou got me pregnant and when I tried to get ahold if him he acted like I didn't exist. She is three now and has never known her own father. I say she's better off.
Bands who's claim to fame is being a sumerian pity project are not stoked.
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