Unearth has been busy as of late writing material for their next Eulogy Recordings full-length, tentatively slated for release this Fall. This Summer, the band will take a break from writing and recording to tour Europe for the second time, with Cataract supporting. Before then, they will play a few US dates, including appearances at the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival and the Orlando Magic Fest. Here's the itinerary:
5/9 Old Bridge NJ @ Birch Hill w/ Soulfly, Sworn Enemy, more
5/19 Worcester MA @ the Palladium (NE Metal Fest)
5/18 New York NY @ CBGB's w/ Himsa, Cannae, more
6/12 Miami FL @ TBA
6/13 Orlando FL @ Orlando Magic Fest
6/27 Kassel-Immenhausen, Germany @ Akku
6/28 Essen, Germany @ Pressure Festival
6/29 Halem, Belgium @ Summertime Festival
6/30 London, Great Britain @ Underworld
7/1 Glasgow, Great Britain @ TBC
7/2 Canterbury, Great Britain @ TBA
7/3 Münster, Germany @ Tryptichon
7/4 Darmstadt, Germany @ Oettinger Villa
7/5 Hardenberg, Netherlands @ Unity Rally
7/6 Roitschjora, Germany @ With Full Force Fest (no Cataract)
7/7 Berlin, Germany @ Wild At Heart
7/8 Zedtwitz near Hof, Germany @ Fernverkehr
7/9 Wangen, Germany @ Tonne
7/10 Geneva, Switzerland @ Cabaret L´Usine
7/11 Rheinfelden, Germany @ Juca
7/12 Dour, Belgium @ festival
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