First. bummed. Aaron is a solid dude. Are you high? This dude is a first class creep...lol
Aaron is one of the worst individuals I've ever fcking met - hope he falls flat on his stupid oafish fcking face.
Probably a herion/meth/cocaine/gay porn problem.
Someone had to take the blame for the plummeting status of the band
You don't have to like them, but that's just inaccurate. They're probably bigger now than ever before.
So now Vigil is the only founding member? Whooooo EVER saw that one coming??!?
damnnnnnn dis is true after all lol^^
one step closer to this band calling it quits for good.
Dude writes same record four times, gets bored, expresses opinion, gets kicked out.
The other anonymous comment is 100% true. The list of guys in the Southern California area that she's slept with is emense and never ending. She also has a scar on her stomach from a self inflicted knife wound.
I honestly couldn't love this article any more than I do. I fcking hate this piece of shit.
They're probably bigger now than ever before. Their new album is a total flop. Band's running on empty.
Aaron is one of the best dudes out there. Anyone who says anything else has obviously interacted with him.
Dude writes same record four times, gets bored, expresses opinion, gets kicked out. True that. Maybe now we'll have a chance to hear more of Andrew's influence in the writing.
Not surprised, i'd jump ship too. Don't know him but I've never heard anyone say a bad word about him until this article.
eeewww, i just saw her prego pic on instagram. bitch has a horse face for real
Aaron's always been cool to me, fck the haters.
solid homie, TGI def won't be the same without him. Angry bitch up top probably an ex gf lol
Good news. Dude was an ass. More Tkaczyk mosh please.
"Probably a herion/meth/cocaine/gay porn problem." Maybe the gay porn, could the ghost inside be Patrick Swayze?
Lol @ the possibility of him devoting his life to being a father of a child that might not even be his. I'd definitely do a paternity test if I were him.
God these comments are the reason time passes by faster when I'm at work. Thx guyz <3
Bitch has set her instagram to private now. There are some topless pics of her floating about on Tumblr though.
post link to said them breasts or they don't exist /r/boobs
circle of c-m! now THE GHOST is growing INSIDE that roast beef sandwiche vag!
this stupid trick came like a freight train oh
anonymous1 day ago Dude writes same record four times, gets bored, expresses opinion, gets kicked out. True that. Maybe now we'll have a chance to hear more of Andrew's influence in the writing. Eewwww Andrew writes the grossest shit! For the fallen queens? You for real want more of that?
I hope this band and it's lost guitar player read about how much no one cares about them. Thanks Goat 666!!!!
anonymous2 days ago Aaron is one of the best dudes out there. Anyone who says anything else has obviously interacted with him. LOL, get outta here Aaron. I bet all these posi comments are coming from the same IP
Aaron is one of the best dudes out there. Anyone who says anything else has obviously interacted with him. I'm assuming this is a well-constructed joke. One that I approve of. Go send more pics of your shriveled ass dick to ugly ass busted bitches around the globe, Aaron.
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