Lamb Of God frontman Randy Blythe recently appeared on the latest installment of The Jamey Jasta Podcast, and in addition to discussing his manslaughter arrest in the Czech Republic and his upcoming memoir, Blythe revealed that a new Lamb Of God album is coming in "the early part of next year." Here's what he had to say:
"I have been writing my book for a while but the majority of my book has been written since January. It will be released early part of next year along with the new Lamb of God record. I started writing lyrics for the next record in prison."
Obviously, we expect more information to surface in the near future. In the meantime, you can listen to the full Blythe interview below.
UPDATE: Clarifying his remarks, Blythe has taken to Instagram to say that there with NOT be a new Lamb Of God album in early 2015:
"Despite what all the metal blogs are blaring 'RANDY SAYS NEW LAMB OF GOD ALBUM EARLY 2015!!!!' - take that with a grain if salt, ok, because they also ignore the fact that during the interview I also say "The new album isn't written yet" – It will come out when it comes out, after it's done & we are happy with it. When that will be, we shall see- we kinda gotta write the thing first, ya know? I don't have a crystal ball, and I got no other answers than it will come out when it's done."
Post Comment
9/18/2014 7:40:44 PM
20 bucks says the guy spamming that first message is the drummer of Barrier.
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Randy's memoir will be 500 pages of "I got drunk and shoved a kid". no care