Post CommentIs the album art artist the same person that did the album art for Dillinger's "One of us is the Killer"? Looks very similar!
Ay yo, keep that Ghost outside, yo. Seriously, yo, that ghost comes inside, Imma go off, yo.
^^^^ay yo, don't be calling people morons around here, yo. or you'll get smacked, yo, like that ghost, yo, if someone should be so foolhardy as to let it inside, yo.
Dear Youth, stop listening to this shitty band.
Yeah yall should listen to real hardcore like attlia or for the fallen dreams... Oh maybe title fight too.
Lol at the fat keyboard warriors who think there is one hardcore. You just obviously like the most pathetic one,beatdown. So you don't like a band that doesn't like to evolve and puts out the same album 6 times. (Terror, hatebreed) Hopefully TGI has some killer songs hidden
"Fake Hardcore" was an obvious reference to the Scott Vogel comments you twats.
I like seeing TGI hate. People calling fans "fake Hardcore kids". Meanwhile they are all the bandwagon kids wearing snapback hats, growing a fcking mullet rocking Backtrack/Rotting Out/Expire gear. I understand, you guys. Gotta be on that next fad shit that sounds like 90s thrash metal with hardcore vox.. you know, the REAL hardcore, whatever the fck that means. I'm not worried, you'll be hating on those bands in 2 years playing like you never liked them. hahaha whatever.
tgi has a terror poster in this video. vigil posted a photo of him and vogel on instagram. seems like they worked out their differences . can you all shut up now.
this record is going to be one of their best ones yet. just wait til you hear the rest of it and then tell everyone it sucks
BEST COMMENT EVER! -- "I like seeing TGI hate. People calling fans "fake Hardcore kids". Meanwhile they are all the bandwagon kids wearing snapback hats, growing a fcking mullet rocking Backtrack/Rotting Out/Expire gear. I understand, you guys. Gotta be on that next fad shit that sounds like 90s thrash metal with hardcore vox.. you know, the REAL hardcore, whatever the fck that means. I'm not worried, you'll be hating on those bands in 2 years playing like you never liked them. hahaha whatever."
hahahaha, please let this stuff go away "bandwagon kids wearing snapback hats, growing a fcking mullet rocking Backtrack/Rotting Out/Expire gear. I understand, you guys. Gotta be on that next fad shit that sounds like 90s thrash metal with hardcore vox.. you know, the REAL hardcore"
Ghost Inside is sooo good. THANK YOU! Love these dudes. I feel like I'm in highschool again and there are no worries when I jam them.
Seriously, this band is so fcking gnarly they can make derivative music AND use derivative album art to package it and still be gnarly. Hate on haterz. l8er sk8erz.
Real hardcore is bummed! The last eight Hot Topics that are still in business are stoked!
Holy shit at 'real hardcore' and mullets, spot on
Yo, umm. This looks just like The Dillinger Escape Plan's album "One of Us is the Killer." Might wanna revise that artwork.
Bro, this feather is vertical. DEP's is horizontal, it's completely and totally different. That's like saying the equator and prime meridian are the same thing.
Did someone try saying that Hatebreed & Terror were beatdown?
This song was written by 20 different bands 10+ years ago. Kids are so dumb, horray for marketing.
It's in my contract that I don't work with no spooky ghosts.
band is fcking good and vigil is the nicest guy in the fcking biz.
Let's be real, Terror was on Warped Tour. They're no more hardcore than TGI.
if we cant call it fake hardcore, and we call it girl hardcore? you know the type of hardcore that girls fan girl over?
gays who know who cold existence is are not stoked.
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Vigil looks normal.