Post CommentAfter this years shitty attendance, all stars should be done as well
Yogi couldn't grind hard enough to churn out another one??
The whole deathcore scene is collapsing. permalink | report abuse somewhat relevant, except this tour was more of a metalcore and "post-hardcore" (whatever you guys call it) tour. not much deathcore on it
he quit so he would have more time to update his Wikipedia page
Crinn2 hours ago The whole deathcore scene is collapsing. permalink | report abuse somewhat relevant, except this tour was more of a metalcore and "post-hardcore" (whatever you guys call it) tour. not much deathcore on it Lol @ these tryhards for differentiating mediocrity. Deathcore is dead, and you should be too
Genghisjohn eats hairy jerk. The lineups for all the mini fests this year were pretty weak. Pretty sure Sylar and structures were on them all. Take the hint..
^^^ Nobody gives a fck. I don't even know what language you're attempting to speak This shit is garbage
Obviously. You guys are late to the party for a news source site. All stars is definitely not continuing next year and possibly summer slaughter as well. There's your new article post it in advance while you have the source.
huh...weird....my "prayers" were answered. All Christ out of music! Nothing more douchey than Xtian music.
huh...weird....my "prayers" were answered. Keep Christ out of music! Nothing more douchey than Xtian music.
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good. now can we get rid of the "all-stars" too