Post CommentI'm still confused on as to why anyone would still be interested in this band. They put out "new" music every, what, 4 years? Lolololololol
Does dicking around in texas count as a tour? ^^^^^ No. That said, I can't believe that Come And Take It production didn't bring this to the Dirty Dog. That company specializes in booking washed-up deathcore and nu-metal bands.
Dan Sugarman is still desperately trying to get his scheme's off the ground.
I think they got rid of the beaners and now its whitey
This band always sucked. Everyone know barron lied about soundscan numbers for years. Is ash still sucking them off?
Saw them in Australia supporting Bleeding Through, it was embarrassing how shit and completely not-tight they were. Pro tool shams
If they came to ct I would hate mosh for fun. First cd is still pretty cool for what it is. Hardcore kids that think they have to hate metalcore are not stoked
I saw this band a few years back on stress tour and I hafta say they are pretty dreadful live. Their older music was actually decent on recording but I couldn't even recognize the songs live cause the sound quality was so bad.
hardcore kids with snapbacks, hi-top vans, and that are in crews are stoked... to hate on this band.
Third String Productions should book this shit band in Austin and lose money in the process Shit production company, shit people, kill yourselves
The only people that still like this shit live out west. Keep this garbage there.
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Does dicking around in texas count as a tour?