Post Commenti guess tdwp wont play for freebus christ anymore
just how Jesus cancelled hos appearance 3 days after his crucifixion these moist cakes cancell WWJD
So the promoter is taking the high road as to why they cancelled, but the Christian band is pointing their fingers... Nice.
Contract needs are as follows 1) 100 percent of all income of the show. 2)Dildos in dressing room. 3)Dildos on stage. 4)Allow Jesus to mosh. 5) No gays allowed.
Hopefully TDWP wasnt trying to get more money, this is a charity festival.
The Devi Wears Prada The Devi Wears Prada The Devi Wears Prada The Devi Wears Prada The Devi Wears Prada The Devi Wears Prada The Devi Wears Prada The Devi Wears Prada The Devi Wears Prada The Devi Wears Prada
"... in the name of God." I've got bad news for you Christgays...
just remember.....there's a divine plan so this was never suppose to happen. Go die Christian music fans.
Westboro Baptist approves of this band dropping off. It was the Christian thing for them to do. Spare everyone the torment of hearing that garbage.
How much of a dick move is for TDWP to state that the promoter didn't meet contractual obligations? You're not Justin Bieber.
Lol asking for money to play in a christian fest is the most unchristian thing to do
Just call up For Today lol, they will play anything with christian on it
anonymous 6 hours ago So the promoter is taking the high road as to why they cancelled, but the Christian band is pointing their fingers... Nice. they want you to be aware that they are BIG TIME. they have CONTRACTS when they play man. they don't put up with BULLSHIT bro. you think this is a fckin GAME?!
they want you to be aware that they are BIG TIME. they have CONTRACTS when they play man. they don't put up with BULLSHIT bro. you think this is a fckin GAME?!
you think this is a fckin GAME?! You bet your gay ass it is ballbag lover
this festival has been DEFONCED....perhaps he is the promoter
such a shame. really hope they didn't drop off due to money lol...Since there not about that.
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