Organizers of the Alliance Festival 2013, set to take place this weekend in McDonald, PA, have run into a number of problems, the biggest of which is the loss of their headlining act, The Devil Wears Prada. Here's the official word:
"Sorry for the wait everyone. Unfortunately we have hit some obstacles here in the upcoming days to the festival that we were not expecting. We had our production for the 3rd stage drop out unexpectedly, and with no time to find a replacement, we had to drop a number of bands to be able to fit everyone on 2 stages. Also, due to problems that we won't go into, we had to cancel with The Devil Wears Prada. This was the last thing we wanted to do, especially knowing how much this area love the band, but unfortunately we were left with no choice. We also had to drop a number of other bands, and a few had to pull out for their own reasons. Some of the dropped bands as of now consist of Grave Robber, Defending Cain, Onward To Olympas, Life On Repeat, and Jamie's Elsewhere. Demon Hunter will be the headliner now for Alliance. We are still working out the lineup and will try to get it out to everyone before the festival, but with these setbacks, we have to redo the schedule. We appreciate all of you who support us and thank you for being patient. This festival has definitely had it's first year bumps, but we are still pushing to put on a great festival in the name of God."
For their part, The Devi Wears Prada has issued the following:
"We regret to announce that, due to the promoter's failure to meet contractual obligations, we have been forced to cancel our appearance at the Alliance Music Festival this Saturday, August 3rd, in Macdonald, PA. TDWP has not cancelled a show in years and years, so we ask for fans' forgiveness and understanding in why we are unable to play with the given circumstances."
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