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They should have gave up after when legends become dust
hahaha fcking pathetic gay fcking band drybegging cause they can't fcking sell records.
$2,666 for these idiots, for nothing, truly unfathomable.
what a bunch of butt touched little girls above here ^^^
Deathcore died in 2010. Someone should inform these gays already.
Not a deathcore band^^^ And of every band that has started a kickstarter these dudes deserve to be able to do things themselves. Sumerian fcked them over hardcore.
lol you are a pathetic fanboy with absolute shit taste. why don't you bend over and let every member fck you in the ass? You are def. bitchmade for them.
Can we get the story on how Sumerian "fcked them over" please? If true, my compliments go to Ash & co. for making it happen. Shit band filled with gays.
"fck gay fcking fcking" *returns to comment again*
Of every sumerian band conducting never got any publicity and had to fight to get put on various tours etc. For a band that nearly got on summer slaughter they got no respect from their label. So im with them in saying fck labels. Do it all your god damn self!!!
Anyone hating on conducting from the grave obviously takes it in the ass from danny of Asking Alexandria. gays go listen to your favorite crapcore album and cut yourself cuz bieber smokes pot. You would never know what true metal or good music is.
I donated just because I hate all you naysayer new jack fcks.
fcking handouts. The reason you don't have money to put out an album is because NO ONE WANTS TO BUY SHITTY ALBUMS. fcking losers.
Sumerian didn't rip off these guys. A Tribe Called Quest once sold three million records and got paid around $40,000. That is getting ripped off. This band just sucks.
Someone kickstart me to start a new band. First album out in 2015 and start touring in 2016. Asking for $160,000 for a trailer and full recording studio and copious amount of drugs and booze for inspiration. Too lazy to make kickstart account, just paypal my email. Snoopy2@Lambgoat.com
I think its funny that they're only doing $15, 000 when Misery Signals got $500, 000
awful band, but for real, the most reasonable kickstarter so far
to the crygay, this band mainly appeals to Asking Alexandria fans.
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Dudes in this band should go the BAAO route and go tumblrcore