Post Commentfired for being shitty songwriter. . . and those same breakdowns after all these years next, emmure guitarist
"for several years, i have been busy writing and playing the same note over and over from my shitty bastufft. now it is time for me to fck off."
Seen this a few times on here now. Do you really think this is going to become the next 'Impending Doom is stoked' or 'Emmure should be on this'? I've got some bad news for you son... you're not even remotely funny
Two cares: THE DEAD WALK & CONTINENT. fck everything else.
"I fcking loooooooove wormwood and Death is the only mortal." Said no one with common sense.
Music so shitty even his band members can no longer handle it anymore
R.I.P. The Acacia Strain just kidding, I'm sure they will find someone else who can chug the open strings of an 8-string guitar in different ways and call themselves a 'songwriter'
being as an ocean doesn't poop nails has a twitter account ...are just some of the unfunny, nonsensical, forced memes that some fat neckbeard will inevitably post here as comments in due course
FINALLY, it seems all of his ideas were the ones that made the past 2 records absolutely horrible. Would love to see them add another guitarist and start writing faster music instead of spamming the top string. Still, only good can come of this.
Being As An Ocean had diahrrea yesterday but still couldn't squirt it out.
Why did they keep him around, anyway? He's not a great guitarist and his songwriting is mediocre, at best. The last album was just complete garbage. It's fcking laughable that he "produced" it. I wonder if the band thinks this will pull them off of irrelevance highway, since they were definitely rocketing down the high speed lane.
fck these stay at home dads who write "riffs". thats not the dream bitch
3750 or gtfo + All she wrote. but you noob ass scenester gays dont know shit about that
Everyone that comments on this and has so far is a gay of biblical proportions. Including me. gays.
So they have Devin from Oceano and Richie from Molotov Solution and Fit for and Autopsy who knows maybe it will be cool.
DL and Tim Lambesis have hits out on The Acacia Strain's puppy. BREAKING NEWS: Nails has officially announced Tumblr account coming in the summer of 2015.
"fck these stay at home dads who write "riffs". thats not the dream bitch" Says the fat ass fcker who has size 5inch gauges in his melon head,upside down cross hot topic denim jacket cut off wearing goblin who thrives to fck people over on a daily basis with no job, no money, only mommy or daddy, no bitch wants you because your prob. a lazy piece of shit and your a sex-offender because you squash your nuts on 16 year olds. You know about being a dad. fck outta'here
I'm hungry. I think I'll eat a sandwich. And a soda pop. How is everyone's day going ?
DL was the only rad dude in this band. And the only one who kept some actual good riffs between all the garbage they've written over the years too. This band is 100% fcked now. Good job idiots. The moment DL stopped touring, you guys should have stopped being a band.
Killing On Empty was the only good song this gay wrote. Good riddance.
This band was always shitty and will continue on their path of shitness.
Yea dood totally DL wuz so RAD. Radical Yonkers supreme box logo sageuh. Bet COOL holy cow I think I choked on my own vomit. Asking Alexandria is st0k3d.
They have to continue on for all the 14 year old boys that spend their allowance on CD's and identify with captain Vince. Mad at their moms for not letting them streach their ears. They too have girlfriends that stick other boys balls in their mouths for attention.
fck man, got to give it to a grown ass man. I love how all the guitar heros start putting their imput. DL was TAS. The band died when he stopped touring. Everyone commenting should put down the playstation, stop safely commenting behind their computer, get a real job, and grow the fck up.
I'd jam with him. Someone give him my number.
"I fcking loooooooove wormwood and Death is the only mortal." Said no one with common sense. ^^ Real talk. Were boring as batshit. Get over yourselves you ass puppets
gays who can't write music, fires gay that can't write music.
They stripped me naked had me lift my ball sack up so they could check underneath it, and then had me bend over and spread my ass cheeks apart so they could look inside my jerk.
I traveled back in time to kill my own father. I am the martyr. Hot tub time machine in theater with my brother. I find you fcking disgusting. Suck my balls and lick my sack you will never get you heart back. I am emo so I dress in black, I just wanna tricked out caddalic. New song- Vincent
guess what? this band is fcking terrible regardless, good for him for getting out of that garbage. if you enjoy this band you should rethink your life.
nails has a twitter account hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
I mean, DL has never bragged about being some insane metal guitarist. He's said in interviews that he's a "rhythmic guitarist," and that's exactly what TAS always has been. Dude's just really into Meshuggah and Crowbar and Sevendust. Wormwood and DITOM kinda flopped because Vincent's lyrics lack any continuity or arc. In my opinion, he's the one who's dragged TAS down. Now that DL is gone, they're just donezo. And yeah, Nails on Twitter... the best. ps - Frankie Palmeri is totally shocked.
Good for him. I wouldn't want to be in a band with a guy that has a shoe addiction either. Fat nerds are stoked.
" Here guys, have our shit guitarist write a shit record for you now. " - Oceano
If he joins Emmure that would be the greatest plot twist of metal ever.
Might as well just call it quits and let Emmure take over.
Devin Shidaker is not only an incredible guitarist, but he is one of the best dudes I've ever met. He is passionate about what he believes in, and I don't think anyone but him deserves this opportunity. Proud of you man.
Wut ever. Fronz is stoked #staysick #middlefingersup #IwannaBangUnderageSceneGi rls
"Wormwood and DITOM kinda flopped because Vincent's lyrics lack any continuity or arc. In my opinion, he's the one who's dragged TAS down. " The terrible, boring, regurgitated "music" sure didn't help.
Vincent horrible live performance will be the death of this band. Dude sounds like a dying whale on stage.
Only asshats on Lambgoat think Wormwood sucked. Glad I know this site isn't the real world.
s/o to this jerk for finding a way to get paid to stay at home and find creative patterns in which to palm mute a down-tuned 8string guitar for a group of fggts while they go out and live in a van. seriously. bravo dude.
" s/o to this jerk for finding a way to get paid to stay at home and find creative patterns in which to palm mute a down-tuned 8string guitar for a group of fggts while they go out and live in a van. seriously. bravo dude. " ^ All I can add is now those gays will continue to tour, make worse music, and continue to flip tour vans.
" We are here to bring you down. " - says Vincent. Bro, your band is going..... DOWN hill.
DL had a final destination moment when he saw that van flip. i wouldn't blame him for leaving
Metal music SUCKS!! Dubstep is the greatest genre of music
Devin is joining TAS. I'm personal friends with him and he has confirmed it with me. He even updated his work info on Facebook to "Guitarist in The Acacia Strain". hahaha
Devin's fat ass couldn't even write for Oceano LOL. This band is going to release the shittiest record in there history unless homeboy from molotov steps up to the plate. DL was this band. Period. He wrote all there music since the beginning. #knowyourfacts
LOL devin sucks dck at guitar let alone writing. I hope this band figures it out before they let him ruin there legacy
I agree. fck Devin's straight edge pssy ass ^^
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That last Acacia Strain album was terrible, I mean really bad