Post CommentHere's to hoping it sounds more like my love my way
Seen this a few times on here now. Do you really think this is going to become the next 'Impending Doom is stoked' or 'Emmure should be on this'? I've got some bad news for you son... you're not even remotely funny
^^^ This guy takes sucking lessons from Scott Vogel
I hope its gonna be an awesome record, WITNESS and MY LOVE are great, midnight in america was kinda ok...I'm really hoping for a more energetic record from them this time around.
The seventy five members of Slipknot in their hometown are stoked
"I hope its gonna be an awesome record, WITNESS and MY LOVE are great, midnight in america was kinda ok...I'm really hoping for a more energetic record from them this time around." Okay I got news for you bro shut the fck up gay
This is going to be ultra generic. Maybe Kurt's style will save them, but I doubt it.
Wow really? That's great. Glad this band is back.
Midnight was badass. Ya'll bitches need to grasp that
Midnight was their worst album - unless you're a 13 year old kid in the boonies of the US. Destination: Death or Better Days is the jam, dudes!!
Midnight was the biggest piece of shit going. fcking has been band.
Witness was the only thing these gays ever did properly. My Love My Way was complete gayshit and Midnight was even more gayshit, gays.
a lot of retarded comments in here. only guy who got it right is bkr ;D brassknuckleromance10 hours ago I hope its gonna be an awesome record, WITNESS and MY LOVE are great, midnight in america was kinda ok...I'm really hoping for a more energetic record from them this time around.
gay ass gays need to learn that if you like something different than me you're a gay. Having your own opinion is some gay ass shit that only gays do so stop being gays and have the same opinion as me. You gays ass gay gays.
^^ Yes, the guy 2 comments above nailed it. Most of you are fat metal douches. Modern Life is War is better than most wannabe hardcore bullshit to come out these days.
I stopped giving a fck about this band when they sold out by starting a myspace page and touring with gay girl pant wearing bands. They claimed to be against all of the trendy bullshit at one time but I guess album sales became more important.
Remember when these guys were talking about how they were changing punk rock and blah blah and wearing leather jackets and aviator glasses? Awesome.
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