NewsApril 30, 2013 4:06 PM ET6,985 views

Intensity Music Festival 2013 lineup

The 2013 Intensity Music Festival will take place on Sunday, August 4th at the Triple A Pavilion in Arlington, VA. Billed as "Virginia's premier post-hardcore and metal showcase," the event's current lineup is as follows: The Devil Wears Prada Demon Hunter The Word Alive The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster I, The Breather Being As An Ocean Hundredth Jamie's Elsewhere War Of Ages Fit For A King Wolves At The Gate The Great Commission Conditions Becoming The Archetype Serianna


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ineedmoresalt 4/30/2013 1:12:05 PM

the red jumpsuit apparatus hahaha good lord

anonymous 4/30/2013 1:13:38 PM

Watain should be on this.

anonymous 4/30/2013 1:27:30 PM

None of that is metal. What a bullshit lie

anonymous 4/30/2013 1:30:36 PM

Incredible'Me should be on this. Come on Pantheon Ganecy! Do your job!

anonymous 4/30/2013 1:41:39 PM

Jesus is stoked

anonymous 4/30/2013 1:50:32 PM

2005 would care.

lambgoat 4/30/2013 1:54:56 PM

I remember 2006 when all the headliners on this fest were wearing girl jeans and white belts... their only fans were 13 year old myspace girls.

lambgoat 4/30/2013 1:55:25 PM

oh it's a jesus fest too. lol

anonymous 4/30/2013 2:00:20 PM

Stoked for Jaime's Elsewhere and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus!

anonymous 4/30/2013 2:01:07 PM

Intensity is not a word that comes to mind when looking at this line up

anonymous 4/30/2013 2:33:47 PM

Lambgoat News headline in 2 weeks: Intensity Music Festival 2013 cancelled

Hibuddywazup 4/30/2013 2:34:25 PM

And I thought cousin fcking was the only bad thing in VA.

anonymous 4/30/2013 2:58:34 PM

this is shameful to my city

anonymous 4/30/2013 3:00:20 PM

I da breather!!!!

anonymous 4/30/2013 3:03:14 PM

I want to see a festival where Harley Flanagan is the headliner, and just jumps out into the crowd stabbing people. fcked up to all hell on dust.

anonymous 4/30/2013 3:04:46 PM

Scene girl here, i am going to this with my bf haha

anonymous 4/30/2013 3:11:35 PM

"Virginias premiere Christcore show case"

victory_records_salesrep 4/30/2013 3:14:06 PM

sounds really gay

MeatDelivery 4/30/2013 3:38:28 PM

Disappointed in this shit fest. Past fests yall did like the show of the summer, the 7a7p reunion fest, so many others. Now this? Sad stuff right here.

sadball 4/30/2013 4:10:44 PM

High school slutz suckin' schlong in between praising Jesus in the pit.

anonymous 4/30/2013 4:11:45 PM

Lambgoat News headline in 2 weeks: Intensity Music Festival 2013 cancelled yup

anonymous 4/30/2013 4:50:05 PM

gay Christian fest. gay swoopy haired Christians are stoked.

anonymous 4/30/2013 5:06:39 PM

*awaits cancellation after poor pre-sales. Festival flip flop fckers

anonymous 4/30/2013 5:11:44 PM

the dude who feels like a man when he pushes her around is less than stoked.

anonymous 4/30/2013 6:23:44 PM

The Devil Wears Prada can draw 3000 people on their own. This will never be canceled

genghisjohn 4/30/2013 7:37:34 PM

Seal Team 6 is stoked

anonymous 4/30/2013 8:54:04 PM

Bands that actually pull people don't get cancelled douchebags. Tdwp, word alive and I the breather bring more kids than any of you lambgoaters shitty fcking hardcore bands could ever bring. fck you all.

brassknuckleromance 4/30/2013 8:54:09 PM

this is not a good thing at all.

anonymous 4/30/2013 8:58:08 PM

^ LOL lambgoat imbeciles. Your right tho. Prada brings easily 2000 kids. Christian kids suck but this fest is gonna be big

anonymous 4/30/2013 8:59:53 PM

Flat brimmed, jersey wearing, XXX bro gays sitting in their parents bastuffts on lambgoat are not stoked.

i_talk_shit 4/30/2013 9:14:07 PM


i_talk_shit 4/30/2013 9:15:48 PM

I thought Jesus' Elsewhere broke up, or the singer ate one of the other members?! what gives with false info going around!

anonymous 4/30/2013 10:07:44 PM

Well, I think the Scream the Prayer line up is pretty obvious now.

anonymous 4/30/2013 11:15:35 PM

Serianna representing WI instead of Guardians? Not if Tanner has anything to say about. He'll swallow the dong until Guardians is added.

anonymous 5/1/2013 5:03:06 AM

garbage, indiegogo, flat-iron straightener fest. Everyone who goes or contemplates possible attendance...should be burned to death....;)

anonymous 5/1/2013 5:26:32 AM

yeuch! All "metal" is bullshit now.

anonymous 5/1/2013 7:27:14 AM

intensely gay

anonymous 5/1/2013 8:09:38 AM

Oddly, don't see any metal nor post-hardcore bands on that lineup. Also, this will probably do 3000-5000 tickets. Definitely not going to get cancelled.

anonymous 5/1/2013 9:03:37 AM

kids who with flat irons are stoked

anonymous 5/1/2013 9:49:39 AM

Hundredth pretends to have not claimed to be a Christian band so it doesn't look like they milked the label for what it was worth then is set to play Christian festival. So hardcore.

mid90shardcorekid 5/1/2013 10:11:40 AM

anonymous16 hours ago the dude who feels like a man when he pushes her around is less than stoked. lol

anonymous 5/1/2013 8:48:48 PM

Yeah... The word alive and conditions aren't Christian so this isn't a Christian festival

anonymous 5/1/2013 8:51:06 PM

Dumpster diving lambgoat bumfcks are not stoked. Death to fat, 20 something's with beards and neck tats (middle finger)

anonymous 5/1/2013 8:53:40 PM

Only hXc festivals get cancelled because nobody wants to see a bunch of sweaty pieces of shit pretending to be tough :-)))))))))))))))

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