Post CommentIncredible'Me should be on this. Come on Pantheon Ganecy! Do your job!
I remember 2006 when all the headliners on this fest were wearing girl jeans and white belts... their only fans were 13 year old myspace girls.
Stoked for Jaime's Elsewhere and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus!
Intensity is not a word that comes to mind when looking at this line up
Lambgoat News headline in 2 weeks: Intensity Music Festival 2013 cancelled
And I thought cousin fcking was the only bad thing in VA.
I want to see a festival where Harley Flanagan is the headliner, and just jumps out into the crowd stabbing people. fcked up to all hell on dust.
Scene girl here, i am going to this with my bf haha
Disappointed in this shit fest. Past fests yall did like the show of the summer, the 7a7p reunion fest, so many others. Now this? Sad stuff right here.
High school slutz suckin' schlong in between praising Jesus in the pit.
Lambgoat News headline in 2 weeks: Intensity Music Festival 2013 cancelled yup
gay Christian fest. gay swoopy haired Christians are stoked.
*awaits cancellation after poor pre-sales. Festival flip flop fckers
the dude who feels like a man when he pushes her around is less than stoked.
The Devil Wears Prada can draw 3000 people on their own. This will never be canceled
Bands that actually pull people don't get cancelled douchebags. Tdwp, word alive and I the breather bring more kids than any of you lambgoaters shitty fcking hardcore bands could ever bring. fck you all.
^ LOL lambgoat imbeciles. Your right tho. Prada brings easily 2000 kids. Christian kids suck but this fest is gonna be big
Flat brimmed, jersey wearing, XXX bro gays sitting in their parents bastuffts on lambgoat are not stoked.
I thought Jesus' Elsewhere broke up, or the singer ate one of the other members?! what gives with false info going around!
Well, I think the Scream the Prayer line up is pretty obvious now.
Serianna representing WI instead of Guardians? Not if Tanner has anything to say about. He'll swallow the dong until Guardians is added.
garbage, indiegogo, flat-iron straightener fest. Everyone who goes or contemplates possible attendance...should be burned to death....;)
Oddly, don't see any metal nor post-hardcore bands on that lineup. Also, this will probably do 3000-5000 tickets. Definitely not going to get cancelled.
Hundredth pretends to have not claimed to be a Christian band so it doesn't look like they milked the label for what it was worth then is set to play Christian festival. So hardcore.
anonymous16 hours ago the dude who feels like a man when he pushes her around is less than stoked. lol
Yeah... The word alive and conditions aren't Christian so this isn't a Christian festival
Dumpster diving lambgoat bumfcks are not stoked. Death to fat, 20 something's with beards and neck tats (middle finger)
Only hXc festivals get cancelled because nobody wants to see a bunch of sweaty pieces of shit pretending to be tough :-)))))))))))))))
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the red jumpsuit apparatus hahaha good lord