Post CommentIt's the most metal metal out there to date.
Love your music . dont give up , we enfold darkness fans love u !
Yes, definitely waiting for this album. Corser sounds really good here.
Tennessean black metal? You bet your ass! These freaking sick tunes deserve way more attention.
such a tired style of music. learn to write coherent songs before stringing random riffs together.
lol really? can't you hear these guys obviously know a lot about musical theory? they aren't playing random notes or stringing things together just to sound technical..unlike some bands! These guys actually take melody and technicality and blend them like gods. Are you deaf or are you just stupid?
you're clearly someone associated with the band, which is fcking retarded and embarrassing. cringe worthy. ones ability at an instrument is not an indication of theory knowledge (see: chuck schuldiner). shit, even knowing theory, like these self-proclaimed "musical theory" scholars, doesn't mean they're automatically masters of writing song. the music reflects that, regardless of what you say. it's a boring mess that struggles to keep up with previous (even dated) material.
(cont.) this whole fad of rollercoaster death metal is really starting to run out of ideas. sure, there are some interesting ideas, like the new fallujah EP, and that EP makes this song sound like it was composed for a high school talent show.
I kind of Agree with ^^^ Song is pretty good but doesnt really have the same quality as the OCR - C.
trolololol .. wish i was associated with the band. we will agree to disagree. you are obviously much smarter than me. SORRRRRY. lol
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Nice to see these guys again, awesome band.