Post CommentSad to see em' go, but I'm definitely not surprised.
No lengthy statements about splitting is pretty refreshing. Liked these guys a lot, it's a shame.
Tomorrow's headline: "Everyone from Gaza but that rapist scumbag forms a new band with a new singer who doesn't make their skins crawl."
Tomorrow's headline: "Everyone from Gaza but that rapist scumbag forms a new band with a new singer who doesn't make their skins crawl." I wish I could break your fcking nose
Tomorrow's headline: "Everyone from Gaza but that rapist scumbag forms a new band with a new singer who doesn't make their skins crawl." "I wish I could break your fcking nose" I wish I could send you flowers for being so angry on the internet
Tomorrow's headline: "Everyone from Gaza but that rapist scumbag forms a new band with a new singer who doesn't make their skins crawl." I wish I could break your fcking nose I hope he thoroughly enjoyed penetrating you, you weak angry gay.
"Tomorrow's headline: "Everyone from Gaza but that rapist scumbag forms a new band with a new singer who doesn't make their skins crawl." I wish I could break your fcking nose" And I wish I could laugh at you as you broke your pudgy hands on my face
gaza ruled. kids hating on them love attack attack and dcks in their holes.
"gaza ruled. kids hating on them love attack attack and dcks in their holes." nah, i'm all about the clam and love godflesh
I guess you could say that they are never coming back. And personally I don't care where they go when they break up.
that singer from fit for an autopsy is stoked. another band he can join.
Wow, surprising. Their last album was amazing and I felt like they were gaining momentum. Huge bummer.
just got paid $7500 working off my computer this month.? And if you think that's cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $8k her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less. This is what I do, ??????JOBS54.COM
This makes me angry. Thanks for 3 good albums
this sucks. now there's no one to ripoff Coalesce and throw in shitty sludge riffs. wah.
FUUCCCKKKK!!! I hate most new metal/underground bands that emerge these days. These guys were amazing. Sad day. Sob...sobs
anonymous2 hours ago Thank you. Nobody liked or listened to you permalink | report abuse wrong
anonymous2 hours ago Tomorrow's headline: "Everyone from Gaza but that rapist scumbag forms a new band with a new singer who doesn't make their skins crawl." permalink | report abuse so, you're retarded then?
Total loss. This band is so underrated. You can't fake this sound. Thank you, Gaza, for the great music, bravo, well done.
ugh! i hate it when bands find influence from other bands and try to derive their own sound from it! it certainly is the worst! only true, original music that has never been done before is any good. hmph.
whooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa. Ok. been down since the beginning. This is pretty random. Glad I saw them.
Dudefest 2007, the most amazing performance I ever witnessed. R.I.P. GAZA
anonymous2 hours ago Thank you. Nobody liked or listened to you Speak for yourself, gay.
He was probably drunk when he did it, it's not his fault
ok so I keep hearing it's about a beat incident? I just hope the rapist isnt a poster on www.therocksalt.com
im sure that bullshit allegation had something to do with this. Considering they had no real reason to end so abruptly. fcking shitty news, glad I got to be part of their movement while it lasted.
They should stay together and have RetiredArtists write their next album.
"I wish I could break your fcking nose I hope he thoroughly enjoyed penetrating you, you weak angry gay." ^ Ught Oh watch out, Internet Tough Guy is on the loose. U Mad Bro? because your weak band broke up because they wanted to focus more time on sucking dck and buying tight jeans? Dude probably weighs in at 128lbs soaking wet in bro sweat. Eat more dck and update your Facebook to let everyone know how you feel c*nt lips.
so he got busted "dead-horsing" some scene chick who only wanted to snuggle? And now the bands legal team had decided it is best to disband in wake of the alleged un-consented "dead-horsing" allegations. Weak shit, Dead Horse Mafia nakka.
It's shitty that all of a sudden we have to be careful about who we fck on tour because they can turn around and sue us. Even if we don't have any money at all. Just ask ADTR.
Everybody that posts on this website reminds of the people this article was written about: http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2013/03/14-5
This band sucks. Glad they are done. Good riddance to this pile of shit.
the tumblr social justice movement is stoked.
"It's shitty that all of a sudden we have to be careful about who we fck on tour because they can turn around and sue us." ^ Don't worry bro I'm sure your band is small enough and sucks dck enough that it will yield zero pssy.
Dudefest 2007, the most amazing performance I ever witnessed. R.I.P. GAZA YEP!
band fcking funnels boners. all you weird grindcore gays need to be killed
part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement part of their movement
anonymous15 hours ago " ^truth " thanks, i like to call it like i see it.
Dude the girl he supposedly beat is some ugly feminist scene fck. Who want to fcuk that
let's call it a snuggle struggle, gay c*ntsy
No lie, Greg Puciato showed me this band in '07 or '08. Ever since, seen 'em 7 times in 5 cities in 4 states and they have never failed to disappoint. Nice guys, so much so that I desperately want to believe this has nothing to do with the beat allegations, but when a new band comes out and has all of their names attached except Jon's it's going to be really hard not to speculate. Best of luck.
Guess this puts my drinking and drug abuse into perspective. stoked. -Gazaluke
No lie, Greg Puciato showed me this band in '07 or '08.
No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me No lie, Greg Puciato showed me
No lie, Greg Puciato showed me this band in '07 or '08. Ever since, seen 'em 7 times in 5 cities in 4 states and they have never failed to disappoint. Nice guys, so much so that I desperately want to believe this has nothing to do with the beat allegations, but when a new band comes out and has all of their names attached except Jon's it's going to be really hard not to speculate. Best of luck. YOU DROPPED SOMETHING
Some femme riot grrrrrrrl misandrist loser posted on her blog that the singer beatd her, didn't even go to the police.
So .... Is the new band going to be called west bank or did I miss something?
whats wrong with beat anyways? I do it all the time..
So did the singer beatd someone or what?So did the singer beatd someone or what?So did the singer beatd someone or what?So did the singer beatd someone or what?So did the singer beatd someone or what?So did the singer beatd someone or what?So did the singer beatd someone or what? I don't care where I go when I beat
messageboard terrorists treating lamegoat like a pennie gumball machine tossing in their two cents expecting something extravagant in return...
And this, kids, is why you NEVER fck a feminist.
* also, editorial correction, this is NOT a grindcore band.
anonymous3 hours ago * also, editorial correction, this is NOT a grindcore band Yes it is
old dillinger noise riffs and non grinding drums do not equal grindcore. noisecore more so than anything. shits too slow for grindcore, this is what happens when people dont listen to afformentioned genre.
wow..... terrible fcking news. did not see this coming at all. they always put on some of the best sets i've ever seen. fcking lame.
^ your ego and child size penis is stoked, as are your child size jeans.
its refreshing when dumb ass male feminists get a taste of their own medicine. the alleged beat (which i really believe didn't happen) was the best thing that ever happened to gaza's "career." That being said, shit band, shit members, good riddance.
Guy kozowyk signed this band, he supports rapists
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