NewsFebruary 21, 2013 4:06 PM ET3,854 views

Paint It Black set to release new EP

Philadelphia, PA band Paint It Black has announced plans to release a new EP titled Invisible on April 2nd via No Idea Records.
"This new record has been in the works for what feels like a long time. So long, in fact, that it seems like a lot of people, us included, stopped believing it was really going to happen. The challenges of geography, too many bands and tours, and other more mundane aspects of adult life, all conspired to delay and discourage us. But here we are, despite these obstacles, with a new record and a renewed sense of purpose. And in a way, that's what these new songs, and this band, are really all about. This music, and the culture and community that surround it, don't really have an expiration date, even though the larger world around us would have us believe that these are childish things, to be put aside as we become responsible, productive citizens. Now, that is obviously bullshit of the highest order. But this isn't about avoiding adulthood; it's about redesigning it so that it doesn't clash so violently with our most deeply held beliefs. It's about the compromises we refuse to make, but also about the subtle negotiations between ideals/aspirations & day-to-day pragmatics. It's about figuring out how to keep making noise even when life quiets down. Yes, it's about parenthood, but it's also about deliberately resisting corrupt mainstream value systems, even (especially) when they're bombarding you from all sides. It's about brutal, devastating loss. More than ever, it's about alienation and outrage."
Invisible track listing: 1. Greetings, Fellow Insomniacs 2. Headfirst 3. Props For Ventriloquism 4. Little Fists 5. D.F.W. 6. Invisible


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estep 2/21/2013 1:52:25 PM

hellz muthafckin yeahzz

anonymous 2/21/2013 3:08:14 PM

The Rolling Stones called, they want there song title back.

anonymous 2/21/2013 6:17:43 PM

Good thing no one gives a flying fck about the Rolling Stones.

LoydChristmas 2/22/2013 6:10:42 AM

"This music, and the culture and community that surround it, don't really have an expiration date, even though the larger world around us would have us believe that these are childish things, to be put aside as we become responsible, productive citizens. Now, that is obviously bullshit of the highest order." ^that is why you will always be poor.

anonymous 2/23/2013 10:51:46 AM

poor? the singer has a PHD and has been involved with hardcore/ punk since before you were eating the shit out of your diapers. what have you done with your life?

xBottomFeederx 2/23/2013 1:48:11 PM

How the fck do you employ someone to make the cover art for this?

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