Post Commentdude, theres no more 'scene girls' so stfu
DWP and Slipknot mash up coming soon... No one is stoked everrrr.
hope Adam doesn't blow it again this album. more framus less crunch
They'll be joining Deicide on tour this spring.
If deicide ever stooped that low id be on stage firing shots into them.
Holy Shit balls. This is awsome. I am sooo excited!!!! HAHA. Yeah Right. HAHA
fck these fcking gay ass fcking pssy ass fcking jesus loving jerk eating fckers and fck miss may i too
"Still remains did it so we probably should too"
How can a movie sign a deal with a record company? I don't get it.
fck Miss May I too? who do you listen to, Emmure? gay.
Chris is a beast. Their leads are incredible. What's wrong with the crunch on Dead Throne? Best album of 2012. hands down. better than attack attack by a landslide. oh, and fck Deicide. Pussies.
"fck tdwp, what a shitty scene band" - everyone on tumblr that became a Terror fan last year
At least this will be better than the messy pile of horse shit that The Faceless just released. Also, fck Tool. They suck.
scott vogel will be at the studio with his favor booth
Yeah I second or third that. $100 says TDWP plays with Asking Alexandria and Miss Gay I. fck those bands. fck Stray From the Path. fck Between the Boring and me. Terror sucks as well. And expecially Your gay, dont you Remember?? fck all you scene kids. Wear fcking condoms.
im curious as to what all u close minded pessimistic sad fux listen to,cuz all u ever do is shit talk every band.i love music and love what these guys,KsE,cage,incubus,R.A. t.M.,among 100s of others ever created.if u don't like,dont listen?how sad r your lives tho that ur always on here shit talkin? love u lambgoat!
and don't bother trash talkin my post,i got great music to go listen to and other great things to do wit my life rather than sit here and put every album down.i feel sorry for most of u haha
"Yeah I second or third that. $100 says TDWP plays with Asking Alexandria and Miss Gay I. fck those bands. fck Stray From the Path. fck Between the Boring and me. Terror sucks as well. And expecially Your gay, dont you Remember?? fck all you scene kids. Wear fcking condoms." fck anyone who says 'expecially'
probably the same dudes commenting over and over, haha. how dumb.
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Scene girls are stoked. Any bands that can get scene girls moving is good in my book