Post Commentgreat musicians. the songwriting, uncompelling
I discovered this band by searching "worst band in the world" on youtube. No joke.
guys with ponytails and half beards are stoked
On this tour, members of this band will be using a pilot version of the new 11 string guitar. The secret is that the number of strings on your guitar is actually a measure of how cool you are.
Dude I am counting down the days. No one will or has said ever.
^maybe the writers from metalsucks are thinking that
Many characters are named after present Companies and products: Beef Supreme, Velveeta (News Caster), and Hank "The Hangman" BMW.
I discovered this band by searching "worst band in the world" on youtube. No joke. lawl, not gonna lie, i checked this and it's accurate. i don't agree with the sentiment, but i couldn't help but laugh. it's basically a poorly recorded and poorly edited montage of local bands at their first shows and then a clip of coliin and mike doing a video for guitar one, a large music publication.
this is sick because i will not be near this hat fest
Dude with the regular guitar shreds. He should quit this awful band and join a band that isn't total shit
Common now everybody, different strokes for different folks. I think they are pretty swell, keep on jamming I say!
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