Post Comment^^^ Al your gay for liked this band you should start wearing a skirt again you fcking homo.
yeah this is not exciting. Pete Tagtgren has Dan Swano level credibility at this point. Anyone? Dan Swano? Night In Gales? Edge of Sanity? he's just another Swedish hack that makes lots of mediocre Swedish metal.
Once upon a time there was a guy named Peter. He had no friends and couldn't get laid. So he started a shitty At The Gates ripoff band and still had no friends and couldn't get laid. No one cared about his band but they continued to release mediocre albums throughout eternity. The end.
You may not like hypocrisy. That's all well and good. But to say they sound like at the gates is asinine at best.
You may not like hypocrisy. That's all well and good. But to say they sound like at the gates is asinine at best.
You may not like hypocrisy. That's all well and good. But to say they sound like at the gates is asinine at best.
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very good news! should be main page news, first!