Post Commentkid from "a christmas story" grew up and started hundredth
not one for memes but: Y u no record full length?
"Elements of the band are still there, however it's less of a fusion and more of a distinct separation. I'm not going to throw a myriad of adjectives out, but it's a definite progression for us." Go on.
a double EP...also known as a full length silly christians
Hundredth and The Ghost Inside are killing hardcore with their melodic shit appeal to little girls. No care ever
Bet this is going to be all acoustic with piano and electronics.
"...transition....separati on...progression..." translated: "we're going to try writing more mainstream sounding pop to try and appeal to more fans which will sound much more gay than the previous album"
i read it as: "1 disc will cover the stuff we're known for as to not alienate our existing fanbase whereas the other disc will be packed to the brim with mainstream dogshit aimed at prepubescent girls so we can make money for bibles and board games"
can't decide if these guys are a bullshit band or not.
I love the dudes in Hundredth, true melodic hardcore from the heart. Major inspiration to me and the Hardcore scene in Arizona.
Pretty excited for this one to come out. Seen them 4 times and they put on the best shows out there, lead singer is a boss! http://www.HopeIntoHumanit y.org
How in the fck did they afford to record at The Blasting Room?
"Hundredth and The Ghost Inside are killing hardcore with their melodic shit appeal to little girls. No care ever" Obviously hasn't even heard Hundredth and is just using a biased opinion on them. Scenegays can't even get stoked on that shit. Go out back and have a nice fck with Pookie your pony.
I am really excited for r/r. The guys are exceptionally humble as people and are powerfully earnest and true to their own creativity as musicians. Seems like some of the people who wrote earlier may not have caught a show in recent years or know these men, which is a pity for sure. I think its fair to expect beauty and transparency from this newest studio labor. 1/2
Not sure if y'all are in the industry, but just in case you're writing this from your mom's computer, how bout if you hold off on the negative predictions, redefinitions of what someone else's work is and/or what its format is, and slams on Christianity so you can cultivate a new habit of only speaking on that which you know. You know, so you look less like a jackass. Congratulations hundos and thank you, i with the rest of your fans am eagerly anticipating further greatness. -c. 2/2
These guys are appealing to fan girls? Who the fck are you? Met these dudes. Real down to earth. They only want to make music with a message. They play what comes from their soul. Not the scene fodder. Maybe you should get off of your fcking World of Warcraft account and go to a fcking show every once in while. Learn something new. Close-minded fcks.
Omg I cant wait, Ive been following this band for years and i cant believe how much theyve progressed! Said no one ever
I hope they ask jesus if they can rip off more Hope Conspiracy intros and talk about how much merch money jesus bands make on scream to prayer tours cause these bros are super legit humble. They really capture the essence of the struggle of being a white american male in the face of science.
saw these guys and they said they weren't a christian band anymore.
i was never able to get into these guys, maybe this new full length will do it.
They aren't a Christian band anymore? Figured that was a whole scheme to get their name out there. It worked for them, I guess. Rich white males with trust funds are stoked.
anonymous 9 hours ago These guys are appealing to fan girls? Who the fck are you? Met these dudes. Real down to earth. They only want to make music with a message. They play what comes from their soul. Not the scene fodder. ^obviously gave these guys twelve favors when they rolled into his shithole town
Their cover of Hurt.......... http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=hc7E9UPO81U&feature=y outube_gdata_player ....LOL
^ This. Who the fck buys into this bogus shit? This is the same band whose merch consists of "rip-off" shirts, right? What. a. joke.
I pray for the day when a thread will be posted and faceless, ignorant comments aren't posted.
short of me saying how gaygy and stupiud and gay this band is, I'll just leave this here. Oh and I haven't seen so much ass hurting by fans since the fat chick died at warped tour. http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.clou dfront.net/photo/4764848_7 00b.jpg
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Tumblr gays with neck tats are stoked. I jest, I'm stoked for this and Chadwick is a nice young chap