Post CommentIn a desperate last-ditch attempt to locate a fck to give about this news, a crack team of expert fck-finders were dispatched to the far corners of the earth in hopes that a fck would be found; sadly, their efforts were for naught, as not one single fck could be found.
Oh good a new guy to get jumped everyday like the rest of the band for their upcoming gay tour across the states
I used to c-m in water bottles, but currently I use Toes....
anonymous 39 minutes ago Chalupa Grin WIN.
My name is Loyd Christmas. And I like c-ck.
I rather dropdead than watch this band....oh wait nvm.
^ that's fuct up man. I was going to mention that as well, but you beat me to it. Awful band; betting this drummer will stick around for one, maybe two tours before finding something better to do with his time.
fat 14 yr old fat kids with report cards averaging a D+ are stoked.
Do the world a favor and flip the van on purpose. The world could stand to lose a few more fckstains from Utah.
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