Post CommentWhy do tours go to Seattle AND Tacoma? That's like playing Dallas AND Ft. Worth.
.....the many dcks I would suck to have N.W.A back.
Hookers > everything.... I mean slutty women, not this shit band
if Hookers are going to be there, I'm down. Not so much into them but heard Hookers are great live!
lol opening act is just hookers combing the crowd
No one has ever liked 3 Inches Of Blood. No one. The sad part is that for the past six or so years, the band themselves have been completely oblivious. People will come for the support bands and leave before 3IOB plays. Get it through your skulls, dckheads.
That slut Jill Janus is a two faced diva bitch. Acts like she is Cher herself calling promoters asking for her own dressing room and tea maker. Also is a huge coke head, and gives the guys bumps if they play good.
That is horse shit. 3iob is the best band on the tour. So sad that 3 inches of Silicon will be their support band. SMH. c*ntress is such a joke. Generic riffs, the vocalist is literally tone deaf and they think they "stay true to the roots of heavy metal" ha please. They went straight to touring never worked hard for a damned thing nor paid any dues. I feel sorry for 3 Inches of Blood for what they're going to have to put up with. The bitch thinks she's King Diamond.
Just another band Napalm hyped up for no reason. The album is way overproduced. Oh & it doesn't even matter if you can hear the band playing live as long as you can hear her shit vocals LOL Hell the band should be called the Jill Janus Band since they revolve everything around her. She talks about herself in third person too which I find funny cause she runs the bands websites. She's a 40 year old hag trying to act & dress 20 for attention.
P.S. She looks like she's the next Faces of Meth in person haha their promos are rather deceiving hahaha http://goo.gl/AXGMq
I've seen Huntress live and can confirm they are terrible. The singer looks like she's slowly decaying and has horribly done extensions. She thinks she's a witch too hahah
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