Post CommentOh awesome, no Portland date. Really wanted to see Gaza and Full of Hell.
Gaza is great! - the other two will experience massive van failure on this trip.
If your going to this show, your going to have a bad time.
at least i can leave before gaza gets all overrated on me...
cok suckssssssss. overated little grunge bunnies learn to play music you hippy turds
Gaza was just in Portland in August. If you missed it suck it.
Yeah but that tour was with Eagle Twin and they were terrible
Check out this guy who only wants to see a band once.
"If your going to this show, your going to have a bad time." If YOU'RE not going to this show YOU'RE probably a Rise Records fan.
^ Thinks Emmure plays more than two strings.
18 posts, and not a single utterance of "gay"? This place has gone soft like my dad.
"Yeah but that tour was with Eagle Twin and they were terrible" As opposed to Code Orange Kids who are???
full of hell is the only thing making me go...
Are you serious??Full Of Hell is the most hilarious shit I've ever seen. "Let's twitch around like a bunch dweebs." Listen to Cursed instead. They do it better.
Full of Hell is Full of Shit. Dude spends more time wanging with his electronics than he does singing... 30-somethings living in their mother's bastufft are stoked for this...
no more shitty drives to detroit. ive seen GAZA 3 times anyway. New albums devastating as all fck though. Props.
no friggin WI dates? Are you kidding me... come on 11/14 Milwaukee
code orange kids. privileged little gays from a nocareever city. fck them. fck pittsburgh. gaza a+ though.
thanks for reminding me to drink my vitamin c, lambgoat.
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code orange kids are awful