Post CommentWorld domination, Beavis.. World domination..
YES!! Can not fcking wait. Please come to Florida soon!!!
I am stoked. Awesome band. ^ agree with this guy, come to florida
band sucks. generic metalcore. throw another shrimp on the barbie gays.
guitar players running in circles, pit stains, and submarines are stoked
you got some problems if you think this song is generic. I know, your band is better and has way more talent then parkway, i get it.
^^^^all of you have got to be kidding me. this is what passes as "professional" metal these days with such a weak main riff as that? a band of 16yr olds that played at a coffee shop last weekend wrote a better riff than this elementary school shit.
Loyd really has something jammed up his ass today. Holy Christ.
Loyd always has something jammed up his ass. About EVERYTHING. It's like he's got a dildo super glued to his prostate.
Production redemption after the travesty of "Deep Blue" being recording by my unborn kid....
I don't get these gays who seriously prefer Adam D's flat drums and weedy guitars to the production on the last Parkway album. Maybe stop listening to metalcore with your Macbook speakers?
Hopefully it's better than 'Deep Blue'. That album sucked dck.
i like this shit. theyre def one of the better metalcore bands
all of which will have fans careening straight for the circle pit. ^ bout sums it up right there. I WANT A fckING CIRCLE PIT RIGHT fckING NOW
Does it bother anyone else that the first sentence of this press release is the LONGEST run on sentence of all time?! You'd think Parkway could afford an educated publicist by now.
All you c*nts are just jealous. PWD are genuinely great dudes who have a killer time travelling and doing what they love. As for Lloyd, at least these guys have a real life and dont live online spreading their misery
lol never fails. always a million haters on this site for any band. Their own favorite band could be posted and they'd still say they suck
"ten years of being alive and watching our world spiral out of control." these dudes have only been alive for ten years? elementaryschoolcore
Not really a fan of this band but just wanted to say that LoydChristmas is a huge gay who desperately needs to get a life
Highly anticipated by stupid ass Aussies who still think Korn is one of the top U.S. metal bands
anonymous 8 hours ago All you c*nts are just jealous. PWD are genuinely great dudes who have a killer time travelling and doing what they love. As for Lloyd, at least these guys have a real life and dont live online spreading their misery "PWD liek meanz tha world 2 me one time the singer put his foot on my shoulder at a show and it was killer so i think they r genuinely good guys 2 chill with im tryn 2 invite them to play at my bday"
So fcking boring. How the hell can anyone sit through the whole thing. Nothing heavy about it. Breakdowns are way past fcking old.
people are defending this shit? On Lambgoat? fck, I'm getting old
how are people so stoked on this band? i mean, i get the fact that they're super popular, they aren't horrible, there are far worse bands out there, but they should just title their new album MEH.
Why all this hatred? This is one of the better bands in this genre, it's not one of their best songs but hey, why can´t we just love music all together? These guys are working hard to deliver music that we can love or hate :)
^^^^ Agreed, I've been following these guys Killing With A Smile and they are one of the best at what they do. Hopefully, the new album will be on par with Horizons which is the magnum opus of their career. Deep Blue was disappointing but it had still some pretty sick songs like Home Is For The Heartless.
How in the fck do you think that song is good? I can't listen to it with a straight face.
This website is full of gays who have nothing better to do than make fun of bands that have talent I don't know why I even bother coming to check up on music here anymore. If it's "elementary" style music, why aren't any of you loaded from such easy music touring the world.... Oh probably because you have no talent and you're music would probably be criticized 1,000x worse. Sick band, great stage presence. Stoked on this record
Everybody needs to shut the fck up. This song/video combination blows. But this band does not.
Does anyone know what kind of new balance shoes is winston got on?
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FIRST!1!!1! *gooes all over keyboard*