Post Commentso how old was the chick this dude had fun with 5-8? or like 14 at a show?
So this is basically confirmation that he did it then?
I heard Buddha has since converted to Catholicism and enrolled at Penn State University.
well, at least there is still a chance that they will play again sans Buddha...probably the best press release of an incident in recent memory I've seen from a band. so lets get some shows going, I'm sure BFB have friends who could fill in well.
can it please stop being cool to be white trash... god thats so stupid.
http://www.jameskwan.com/i mages/buddha_screenshot.jp g
Just fcking break up already, Blood for Blood is nothing without Buddha singing. I guarantee they go on tour and continue on without him, such a terrible idea. give up before people have to be embarrassed for you, you were a good band... its over, big fcking deal.
I agree, without Buddha it wouldn't be the same regardless if Rob wrote all the words and music.
"Rob is BFB" Very true. If they can tour w/o Rob, they sure as hell can tour/record without Buddha. I will always support these guys, Buddha can go rot in hell for that shit
^^ you're a gay, they can't tour without buddha, you don't know shit motherfcker
no one said that they were going to continue without buddha. i don't think they will, personally. i just think this release was meant to clear the air since there has been no statement from buddha himself. better late than never. and, the incident itself has nothing to do with the band or it's legacy. too bad this happened, for all involved
they should get randy from lamb of god to fill in.. oh wait.. nevermind
^ lol. Of course they could, dipshit, Rob already did half of the vocals for BFB. They probably won't though...personally I'd like to see some new Ramallah instead
nobody rubbed his belly, no good luck for the other guys
This band sucks ass any ways. fck bfb and all you retards that like this shit.
They absolutely could tour without Buddha. Half the time he did tour his voice was shot and he could barely do it. He was more like the Flava Flag to Rob anyway. I'd be just as stoked to hear the songs without Buddha, as I was seeing them without Rob
^^you weren't there in the beginning, it wouldn't be the same without buddha. regardless of if rob didn't half the vocals anyway, who cares? blood for blood without buddha isn't blood for blood. JUST AS it wasn't blood for blood when the biohazard guy filled in, it just wasn't the same. say what you want but you are wrong.
@TheLoudestGuyInTheRoom i agree with the Ramallah
lol at this crybaby fan being so insistent on the idea that this child molester is some god on the microphone. We get it dude. You love Buddha. Big fcking deal.
where the fck was Chris Hansen on this one?
not only is he a godsend but that little count deserved it.
I heard from a reliable source that this was bullshit and buddha didn't really even do that much. it was blown into something bigger than it really was.
Seriously, who cares? why don't they just break up, i hate when bands get new singers
let me guess next they will tour with Rob or Buddha, haha. It was a joke the first time they went on tour, now they're being all secretive about the "future of the band". break the fck up already and go on with your life. or at the most, start a new band with a new name, jesus fcking christ
I say, fck the rumors... let buddha back in the band. they did always say they were outcasts, buddha is the only real outcast here
^^ HAHAHA, you have a point... he is truly an outcast now
that whole letter was fcking stupid just like this band it said nothing about what happend just repeated over and over. But wow i never though a shitty hardcore band could use such big words.....alright who wrote this because it deff was not a member of this band. p.s. the lyrics suck
WHAT?! what a bunch of fcking pussies for not condoning what buddha did. not only do i condone what he did but i think its hilarious.
Buddha should start his own band with an all child rapist lineup
I don't know what it is but a disproportionally large number of child molesters happen to be Hispanic... what's up with that
Maybe he was trying to go to jail. Get away from his drug addict wife who was fcking her dealer while he was on tour in Europe
^^^ HAHAHAH, thats a good point, not surprised she was banging her dealer, for heroin?
"I heard from a reliable source that this was bullshit and buddha didn't really even do that much. it was blown into something bigger than it really was." Yah he didn't even c-m. No big deal. You're an idiot.
^^ Let me guess, you are all for woman's rights too? fcking fruit, i hope someone beats you just for that comment. fcking gay pssy motherfcker. i hope you get sent to jail and the first big n igger you see knocks your fcking teeth out and fcks your mouth until you pass out. then his friends all gang beat your ass until you die from bleeding.
^ way too much buttfcking info. someone feels the force drawing him to the dark side of the c-ck
Na not heroin. Mostly weed and pills. I know the guy and couldn't stand when she would come around. Even had the kid there all hours. I can't tell you how many times I heard about her Buddha and his boys, and what they're gonna do. Like I'm suppose to be afraid of fat wiggers in camo shorts. Couldn't have had happened to a nicer couple
^^ HAHA, yea, fat wiggers in camo shorts. you're right, those guys are mostly fat pieces of shit. buddha was probably pissed because the girl kept spending all his money on oxys and weed. not to mention her fcking your friend, sounds pretty dysfunctional
^^^ LOL you're right. Fsu members are nothing but dudes with small dcks who think they need to prove themselves. they're just trying to make up for their little dcks by being bullies. fcking wiggers. fsu new jersey is fcking gay. fsu nation is a joke.
"^^you weren't there in the beginning, it wouldn't be the same without buddha." I was there in the beginning. And you're right, wouldn't be the same without Buddha. Could be potentially MUCH better.
Holy shit, big talk for a buch of annonymous jerks...it really doesn't matter if you are or are NOT a fan of Blood For Blood or FSU or hardcore for fcks sake...BIG talk for people who won't put a name/face to their bullshit comments...it's been a sad time for those of us who live the music we love, make all the stupid jokes u want, but these are real people, with real families, going through shitty times...grow up!!
^ when keeping it real goes wrong. Ensure should be on this.
its sad to see a band with some of the realist, most relateable music go down like this...i really hope something good can come out of this...like 8 more ramallah albums :)
Krazykats77: shut up and suck Joe Hardcore's tiny dck, you insufferable c*nt
@ineedsalt nobody rubbed his belly, no good luck for the other guys.someone rubbed his belly. thats why he's in trouble.
Every hardcore band should quit. Such a shitty genre of music. BFB...shit band. Shit rapist. Quit forever.
"Seriously, who cares? why don't they just break up, i hate when bands get new singers" ------- True, Iron Maiden just hasen't been the same since Paul Di'Ano was kicked out.
the best part of this entire message board thread is the Yanni concert banner ad at the bottom of the page.
FSU used to be alright till they let gay dudes into their ranks... I guess it ain't no biggy tho being that they had a child rapist the whole time...
^ i love this shit-filled hotpocket. so little boy angry
ppl are forgetting the big picture, dude beatd a girl, fck the bands future, their rep is tarnished cuz dude cudnt keep it in his pants, if this dude beatd a little girl then why is he still alive? no remorse for people like that, even criminals dont like that breed of piece of shit
hey rob, if you need a vocalist your family in texas would like to help.
I am now gayer for reading everything, comments especially, in this post.
Yo.. Da CrEw HaS mAdE iT's DeCiSiOn... -Juggalo Joe Hardcore
Lambgoat. The only site besides 4chan where motherfckers actually condone child abuse. Go watch the MDK video about child molesters, that's what needs to happen to all of you keyboard commando pieces of shit. fck YOU PUSSIES.
For the record he didn't beat her, he allegedly kissed her after pinning her to a wall. Not saying this is remotely acceptable or excusable, but it's not the same as beat. And remember, there is concrete proof of this yet. Y'all need to get your facts straight
haha, krazy kats.... did that guy hurt your ego? or is it you just have a small penis and he hit a soft spot? FSU is fcking gay and they're not a real gang. most of them are child rapists at heart and we all know this. FSU new jersey is fcking gay. FSU nation is a fcking joke. I have more respect for Buddha even after he did that shit than I do for the cowards that are FSU. Not one of them can fight one and one and would lose terribly if they did.
Buddha can join a day to remember now. And continue to get underage girls.
FSU, fck someone underage. HAHAHAHAH! good one, that is hilarious.
The alleged thirteen year old victim of molestation in this case now goes to an Asking Alexandria / BMTH show and sleeps with every single band member.
don't mess with Florida State University, yo!
This is just awful.You are posting and talking shit about people and shit that you know nothing about just to make yourselves seem tough.Or just to be racist and gay bash.You all need a fcking grip.Get off your computers and your little message boards and go get lives.Stop posting about people, their lives, their families.Stop talking about FSU like you have any clue who they really are.What did one of the guys punch you at a show?Now you hate everyone?YOU SHOULD ALL KILL YOURSELVES
^ For the first time we see an FSU member completely butthurt about the inevitable shit talking on Lambgoat.
Not a member. Just someone who can sift through the non stop bullshit pouring out of your mouth. Go back to playing Warcraft.
Quit acting like he beatd a girl. It was a boy.
"FSU used to be alright till they let gay dudes into their ranks..." FSU has always been little scrub fck gays, this is documented fact. High school pussies all weighing in under a buck sixty. gay ear plugs, grow a dck, stop being a pssy and quit listening to pssy music. FSU= gays Stand United
You think FSU gives a fck about shit talkers on Lambgoat. Not one person on this board would dare talk shit to any of them in person. And that's a fact.
Any one here seen that guy from rush play drums? He really wails.
Agreed. Which is why these little bitches feel tough. No one is standing in front of them. Fact. If you all really hate BFB and the people associated. Why are you on this message board?
^point taken. Bfb can not play their instruments well, they should have never accumlated a single fan. Every one here has a stupid brain for caring.
Caring is fine. But not one post shows any concern for the band members the victim or anyone's family.. So??? Please, care.
Lol at all the comments talking shit about FSU. Did Lambgoat give you balls because your anonymous. Go to a show and say it to their faces. Let's see who the real pussies are.
Is anyone really surprised that Buddah would fck an underage person, or grope one, kiss them etc? He has been doing that shit for the last 15-20 years. He was never choosy either, we'd walk in on him fooling around with a 16 homeless punk rock smelly bitch.
"You think FSU gives a fck about shit talkers on Lambgoat. Not one person on this board would dare talk shit to any of them in person. And that's a fact." "Lol at all the comments talking shit about FSU. Did Lambgoat give you balls because your anonymous. Go to a show and say it to their faces. Let's see who the real pussies are." fcking hilarious. Made my day. Why would I be scared of that bunch of gays who Suck off their Uncles.
If your not scared, why are you posting anonymous?
Underage beat tour 2012! A Day to Remember, Liferuiner, A SkylitDrive. And Buddha could be the tour manager.
LOL, its funny to see these FSU guys saying "you wouldn't say that to my face!". no, you're right, because it would be a 20 on 1 fight because you are all pussies. like the guy said before, you all have small dcks and have to act hard to prove something. fcking gays.
fsu is fcking gay. none of them can fight unless its 50 on 1. then their excuse when someone calls them on it...... "its a symbol of brotherhood". never mind the fact that none of us can fight. we are all out of shape wiggers who wish we were born black. too bad you have small dcks and if you were put in the ghetto you wouldn't last one minute. you wouldn't last one night in jail, fcking fake ass pussies
I can tell you this from experience. My brother was in FSU, he no longer associates with them. this is no lie. the ones in his crew acting all tough but when it came down to it they weren't. 3 of them were arrested on assault charges after ganging up on kids half their size for no reason. when arrested they not only cried in the holding cell but cried on the phone trying to get bailed out. they all ratted on coke dealers to save their ass from the felony assault charges.
FSU is a joke among gangs. no one takes those fcking pussies serious anymore, hahaha. now they will have to walk around acting extra tough to prove they aren't a joke. bunch of fcking pussies.
-----You think FSU gives a fck about shit talkers on Lambgoat. Not one person on this board would dare talk shit to any of them in person. And that's a fact. HAHAHA, this guy is a fcking gay. "you wouldn't say that to my face, its a fact, I'm a tough guy". hahahah, what a fcking fruit. grow some balls you fcking queer.
you people need to end your lives with love bink
anonymous 1 hour ago If your not scared, why are you posting anonymous? And why are you anonymous? Even if I had a screename, I'm still anaonymous. Not like you are going to get my name and address from a screename, you dumb gay
i love how these post started out about buddha and then ending talking all about FSU abunch of whinning nerds have nothing better to do then attempt to call people out but stay anonymous i agree with bink you should play one last game of warcraft and then kill yourselfs yours truly phil
anonymous 1 hour ago If your not scared, why are you posting anonymous? "And why are you anonymous? Even if I had a screename, I'm still anaonymous. (<--moron) Not like you are going to get my name and address from a screename, you dumb gay" Now I'm not. You also spelled it wrong how dumb are you not even to make sure you were spelling it right and you could have copied my spelling. And I can't be a gay but I can be a c*nt. So tough guy, kill yourself.
Its sweet your parents named you boston bitch
It's sweet your parents named you anonymous
And not that it matters but my name is Sheri and you can eat me, Tool.
I actually read this release statement numerous times throughout the day and enjoyed it thoroughly every time. It is so well written for a band that can't write music or lyrics for shit. Must have hired a PR manager or lawyer for this.
Honestly, this is what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is I'm showing them), when I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay this cool story to them.
brb pointing out strangers' spelling mistakes on the internet. Omg I spelt anonymous incorrectly once, it must invalidate everything I said. Come to the UK and I'll kick your arse. And no, that's not a typo, c-ck-licker
You people are idiots. Argument: FSU ARE GAY Response: Come say it to my face It will always be the same argument and response. Argument: DMS are gay Response: Come say it to my face Unless any of you are willing to actually say it to their faces, have fun repeating the same thing
I actually read this release statement numerous times throughout the day and enjoyed it thoroughly every time. It is so well written for a band that can't write music or lyrics for shit. Must have hired a PR manager or lawyer for this. Says the dude with some gay college degree that left him unemployed anyway
You people are idiots. Argument: FSU ARE GAY Response: Come say it to my face It will always be the same argument and response. Argument: DMS are gay Response: Come say it to my face Unless any of you are willing to actually say it to their faces, have fun repeating the same thing You want people to "say it to your face" but you posted anonymous? Get hip brahhhhh!!!!
Sorry, bruh, nowhere did I say "I" in there bruh
You need reading comprehension classes there brah?
Erick Buddha Medina is stoked, will be joining the Psychopathic Rydaz
People over the age of 12 are still in gangs? fck FSU. Do you guys hold hands when you go to the toilet? Pussies.
Ita funny to me that Buddha has been kicked out of FSU over this and is bow considered an enemy....yet all you interneters are blasting FSU.....someone name a 20 on 1 FSU beating.....ill waiy
Some ghettos FSU lives in....since you are saying take them to a real ghetto and they won't survive....Asbury park nj, troy ny, frankford Philly, Brockton mass, Trenton Nj, Newark Nj, la, all really good neighborhoods where its the suburbs and families right? dcks
----Some ghettos FSU lives in....since you are saying take them to a real ghetto and they won't survive....Asbury park nj, troy ny, frankford Philly, Brockton mass, Trenton Nj, Newark Nj, la, all really good neighborhoods where its the suburbs and families right? dcks HAHAHA, some of those places are ghettos. none of them actually live in the bad areas. its funny how you're getting all mad because you want to be known as being from the ghetto, hahah. proves my point... wannabe n diggers
fsu is a suburban group of wiggers who think they're tough, when in fact, they aren't. they all wish they were from the ghetto yet wouldn't last one night there. they wish they were born black but will never get the style or image right. black people laugh at them.
LOL at all these responses. the ranks are high amongst the keyboard warriors and computer commandos on this website.
LOL at all these responses. the ranks are high amongst the keyboard warriors and computer commandos on this website. Hey John Joseph, have you fcked any men in Hawaii lately?
Jaime Riddle and FSU West Mass are all about rapping lil kids!! Its a known fact!! fck Someone Underage
"buddha stripped me naked had me lift my ballsack up so he could check underneath it, and then had me bend over and spread my asscheeks apart so he could look inside my jerk."
LOL @ anonymous losers bitching about bands fcking under age sluts. LOL @ the fact that your gay hipster band is fcking 11 year olds via twitter on the daily
I hate FSU...I'm a Miami Hurricanes Fan. lol
I love the cowards, the internet tough guys that hide behind their keyboards with their tiny peckers in one hand, typing nonsense about things and people they know nothing about. As much as I dislike FSU and their little country wide membership drives not a one of you would dare say anything you wrote to any of their faces.
LOL you mean when you catch one of them one on one to say it?!?! Oh wait...
FSU are little gays, can't compete with the gun toting DMS crew
FSU - the crew that stays in a tiny bubble called " hardcore " and beats up kids half their size. Sounds legit to me.............. Could you imagine if those retards tried to one up a Bloodz member or a Crip or an MS-13 member? They would shit themselves.
" Because Friends Don't Let Friends fck Alone. " fck SLUTS UNDERAGE.
FSU - the crew that stays in a tiny bubble called " hardcore " and beats up kids half their size. Sounds legit to me.............. Could you imagine if those retards tried to one up a Bloodz member or a Crip or an MS-13 member? They would shit themselves. LOL getting into hypothetical crew situations now are we??? Funny how your hypothetical situation hasn't happened
^^^ lol do you even understand how arguing works? Because you're not doing it right and its taking away from my laughs. gay.
Without Buddha the band will fail. Hahaha... Rob Lind is a spineless little gay.
No way. Without Buddha the band will fail. Haha. Rob Lind is a spineless little gay. So is the ginger McFarland.
No way. Without Buddha the band will fail. Haha. Rob Lind is a spineless little gay. So is the ginger McFarland. Haha this made me smile..so true :)
It's true. Couldn't agree more.. lmao @ ginger. That's funny.
id just like to point out that troy NY is not a nice suburb lol not at all that being said fck you fsu thanks to you 25 ta life will never come back to upstate and for that you can all die regarding BFB thats fcked up they where one of my favorite bands i find it hard to belive that rob couldev written all those lyrics by himself buhhda is even credited with writting song writing in the albums...and no other singer could compare either
Terror has FSU members. Don't see anyone talking shit on them. They are Hardcore gods.
Terror sucks. FSU is a joke. BFB was one of my favorite bands. If they continue without Buddha they are destined to fail.
So much for being innocent until proven guilty!!! I'm 100% behind Buddha! That's what friends do... They stand by eachother and don't turn their backs on them cause of a Vicious rumor... Anybody considered what he AND his family go through? Oh and i Will always wear my BFB Tattoo with pride! This has nothing to do with music. An
And one more thing... Don't go off on the rest of the band. They r stuck in the middle of all this. It's bad enough that they have to distance themselves over all this shit because you all expect them to do. Supporting the band AND Buddha!
I never do this but reading shit on this page is disgusting! . Shame on the band for not sticking by there friend till something actually goes down. They call themselves a Brotherhood.....Well fck that it doesn't sound like it to me. Teenage girls can be Scandulous. Who to say she isn't lying and the band just dumps him! That's fcked up! You all should shut your mouths and stop judgeing!!!! Also leave his family out of it you fck'n jerks!!!! Stop causing more Problems!!!
All you guys just have lil girl gossip. Grow the fck up. Stupid gays! Who gives a fck
Comments on here defending Buddha are entirely made by his family and lawyer
Hey Snoopy, I am not a family member or his lawyer, I am just a regular person who still believes in innocent till proven guilty. I back Buddha. You are a fcking dope.
the only reason to fear FSU is because they call the cops every time they get in over their head, and snitch on people to get off on their petty "assult on a minor" charges. one of those gays got killed in arizona and then the whole FSU arizona chapter vanished lol. they lied about beating up nazis, now they just spend their days trying to impress middle school kids by moshing hard at shows, while working a job making $10 an hour during the week. FSU = Federal Snitch Unit.
When you defend a child abusers, you are just as bad. I hope those defending him don't have daughters.
I Love the fact that kids who join FSU were a bunch of emo herbs and all of the sudden by a shitty ON BROKEN WINGS CD and think they are extra tough. FSU will never step foot in the hood!
Rick ta life should front this band ...I live his voice.brura vocalskillz
I heard from a very reliable source that the ex-vocalist of Lostprophets will be trying out for BFB
chomo's are piece's of shit. ... Buddha better hope his ass doesn't get convicted! If he is, then fck him, feed him to the sharks!
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