Post Commentthat dude was wearing an extortion shirt when i saw them last. cool dude i guess
I like this band, hope they turn into next parkway drive. Asian drummer in a hardcore band is why it didn't workout.
^ you hope they turn into Parkway Drive? You sir are alone on that one.
Can't tour because he has to help his family run that chink ass convenience store in Hamilton ON.
Choke on your tongues in your sleep lambgoaters
gay band. gay fans. gay boys. rainbows. sexy penis. stuff shake. negative comment. fck captcha.
i saw these (_____) at (_____). they were really (_____). the (_____) gave me some (_____). it was so (_____). these guys (_____). keep your (_____) comments to (_____). go.
i saw these (wizards) at (target). they were really (stank). the (dog) gave me some (carpet). it was so (cup). these guys (cloud). keep your (batman) comments to (jump).
one of the only newer bands i dig, even though they're not that new anymore.
realized that cat meat isn't on riders. promptly quit.
counterparts is incredible. hope this guy is half as good as ryan.
JUN-JUN-JUN-JUNTILLA. Maybe him, Mike Couls, and Herman Li can start a new band
kids who get free victory record demos are stoked
Juntilla was a cool guy when I saw them and a boss behind the kit. Band keeps it real and I will back them...the grave.
this band has something to say unlike all these other fake fcking bands.
crazy how losing a drummer was devastating to a band back in the day, but there's so many good drummers out now that it really doesn't matter that much. this dude was good, wish him the best. counterparts is one of the better bands that have come out in recent years so hopefully they keep doing what they've been doing.
drummer being the only person in the band who realized they were on victory. ps cain and abel were a sweet fcking band.
i saw these (Balloons) at (Chick fil a). they were really (bright). the (bouncer) gave me some (meth). it was so (t-ts). these guys (hop). keep your (stinky) comments to (the grave). go.
Kelly B has always been a ridiculously good drummer. Didn't realize he was slumming it in Dead and Divine...
dude was a seriously good drummer. totally bummed on this, i hope this new dude has a similar style. as others, this is one of the few newer bands i've gotten into.
love all the blatant racism, thought people were past all that but apparently not. I don't keep up with this band as much as I should but Ryan was a sick drummer and wish him all the best.
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>Please keep your negative comments to yourselves okay.