Post CommentConcept records: for 1970's rock bands, prog rock, gay hipster bands, and talentless bands trying to add an aura of relevance. Step to Door 3, muthafckas
Stoked. Last 3 albums have been solid. Pretty scene but no fcks given.
this band is really bad live, sad as it is asking alexandria will be remembered more than them.
"Last 3 albums have been solid." sucky band flies under radar for years
I thought this shitty band broke up last year?
Does the word "interestingly" have a new meaning I'm not aware of?
Left a show they were headlining before they came on... no regrets.
^ waited outside the venue to give em all bj's for free merch.
^^^^^ What this dude said. Troll till death.
br0kenhymen11 hours ago Left a show they were headlining before they came on... no regrets. Smart move, this band fcking blows.
Yes, the last three albums have been solid, and yes Stray From The Path! Honestly though, these guys are a great listen.
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Never heard of them, so don't care.