NewsJune 25, 2012 2:03 PM ET10,055 views

Blood For Blood postponses forthcoming shows

Blood For Blood has been forced to postpone this upcoming weekend's previously announced "Wasted Nights" shows in Boston and New York City. Guitarist/vocalist Rob Lind and bassist Ian McFarland have issued the following statement: "We regret to inform you, due to a situation that has arisen involving Buddha, it has become impossible for Blood For Blood to play the shows scheduled for this weekend in Boston and NYC. We'd like to thank and apologize to everyone who brought these shows together, as well as all of the Wasted Youth Crew, who were planning on attending. Trust us, this was not something we wanted to do." Refunds will be available at point of purchase.


Post Comment

anonymous 6/25/2012 11:05:52 AM

Emmure had something to do with this

anonymous 6/25/2012 11:14:32 AM

Fat, drunk rapists in wife-beaters are not stoked.

anonymous 6/25/2012 11:18:14 AM

This is like the 5th time I have purchased to see these guys and it has been canceled. I am not really suprised and am definitely not stoked.

anonymous 6/25/2012 11:32:43 AM

postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses postponses

anonymous 6/25/2012 11:49:35 AM

most drama filled hardcore band ever. jesus christ.

LoydChristmas 6/25/2012 1:14:58 PM


ineedsalt 6/25/2012 1:18:00 PM

just play the CD, kids will still go apeshit

anonymous 6/25/2012 2:27:44 PM

salt is right.

TheLoudestGuyInTheRoom 6/25/2012 3:18:25 PM

Wow, Rob finally got his shit together and Erick is now flaking out...I guess it wouldn't be BFB without constant turmoil. Still one of the greatest bands ever IMO

anonymous 6/25/2012 3:26:15 PM

rumor (very good source) is Buddha was caught doing something with a 13 year old girl.

anonymous 6/25/2012 4:16:48 PM

^ that's an embellishment But his FB page was shut down. Connect the dots....

anonymous 6/25/2012 6:16:06 PM

^^Believing shit they saw on tumblr

anonymous 6/25/2012 8:49:16 PM

Is this true? Did dude really attack a female child?

anonymous 6/25/2012 9:25:58 PM

Didn't beat a girl but from what I read he held a young girl against the wall trying to kiss her. Then said don't tell dad. Creep

anonymous 6/25/2012 10:58:18 PM

where did you read this?

anonymous 6/26/2012 7:09:03 AM


anonymous 6/26/2012 10:03:12 AM

This is a special moment!

anonymous 6/26/2012 12:00:44 PM

If he has a fun charge against a minor it should be on a judicial case search website. fck a rumor if it aint a court document saying what he did in black and white its bullshit. But a rumor like this, motherfcker your guilty of it until proven other wise. That shit dont come from no where.

anonymous 6/26/2012 5:57:17 PM

http://i1168.photobucket.c om/albums/r494/user1234567 8/pedoforb.jpg

slut 6/26/2012 7:02:39 PM

Postponses? Whatever you supponse web by

anonymous 6/29/2012 7:23:59 AM

Rapist Scumbags. Wait til I see you in my town.I`have a whole crew of guys that will want to "chat" with. Rapists and there supporters will be delt with

anonymous 6/29/2012 12:44:45 PM

^^^ You're an idiot dude.

anonymous 8/18/2012 2:07:26 PM

shit happens w.y.c for life

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