Post CommentI like Prada (hop off my dick LG I listen to plenty of tr00 shit too) so this is pretty cool.
If these dildos can't make their music sound good in the studio, what makes them think they can make it sound good live? Dudes who look like chicks with Rod Stewart hair are stoked.
Haters go and hate. You're just making this band more famous, so go blow your boyfriends and post your feelings somewhere else. This is Hardcore/Metal/Reviled news. Not "Lets all comment about how bad every band being announced is while we change our tampons."
Going to buy a tampon. There will be blood.
me too. could have sworn ferret had a burial
anonymous8 hours ago Haters go and hate. You're just making this band more famous, so go blow your boyfriends and post your feelings somewhere else. This is Hardcore/Metal/Reviled news. Not "Lets all comment about how bad every band being announced is while we change our tampons." lol. you dont know what reviled means nor did you even look it up. you got your warped tour tix yet? gay
The Devil Wears Prada = most productive band ever haha those guys suck but wont stop releasing shit every fcking month, I respect that (even if music is terrible)
thats because youre a fcking pansy who is easily impressed and thinks respect actually means something.
this comment section belongs to me *flexes c-ck*
yeah that's means so much for an idiot to t0ta11y pwn other idiots on an interweb. chop your hands off.
Black_Jacob 5hours ago lol. you dont know what reviled means nor did you even look it up. you got your warped tour tix yet? gay Reviled-to unveil something that, otherwise, would be unknown publicly. When you major in English, you don't have to look things up. Yes I do have my warped tix. Best $50 buck I ever fcking spent, so go find a profile picture of a black guy with a smaller dick to better fit your personality.
all this talk about dick is making me hungry
This just in, bury your dead releases live cd/dvd Buried Alive..wait what?
anonymous 21 hours ago Reviled-to unveil something that, otherwise, would be unknown publicly. When you major in English, you don't have to look things up. Yes I do have my warped tix. Best $50 buck I ever fcking spent, so go find a profile picture of a black guy with a smaller dick to better fit your personality. HOLY fckING LOL i think you're thinking of "revealed"
An English major who thinks $50 spent on warped tour tickets is a good investment. Yep, good thing your not an economics major boy. Hey black Jake you voting for obama this year or what?
Motherfcking LOOOOL @ the "English major," your mommy and daddy must be really proud that you come home from your unaccredited lib-arts school and STILL can't read.
while waiting the cd/dvd available on stores. we can preorder it before sold out! preorder at http://tdwpstore.com/ go preorder it now!
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