Post CommentPlease, please, please no clean vocals
I will listen to this band because of the other bands they have shared the stage with: Parkway Drive, The Devil Wears Prada, and the mighty Bring Me The Horizon. PLUS Jeremy McKinnon (of the great A DAY TO REMEMBER) is producing the album. Most passionate indeed.
^not sure if troll or if serious, but inb4 hate posts, should probably be a decent album.
"California's most passionate and articulate exponents of hardcore." Hardcore is doomed.
I'm shocked kids likes this band, considering their lack of neck, hand, and face tats.
If there are clean vocals on this record I am going to dive face first off of my roof and into the concrete.
anonymous1 hour ago I'm shocked kids likes this band, considering their lack of neck, hand, and face tats...........LOL speak on brother al sharpton
Great band; seen em a handful of times. Cool that Vigil remembers specific fans comign out to shows. Bummer that KC quit though.
produced by Jeremy McKinnon of A Day To Remember ^some serious cred right there.
Jesus, who wrote this press release?
Luckily its not coming out on Mediaskare, that shit wouldnt see a release until at least 2013.
i bet this will sound exactly like every other album this band has done. shitty. fck this stupid band.
Riveting live performance = performance so awful you want to puncture your eardrums with rivets
Love this band, but the new song that's posted is pretty fcking boring.
Not even trying to hide the Guns Up! ripoff. Seriously, look at the album cover and the song is called, "Outlive"?
possibilities for first track 1. clean guitar wanking 2. feedback/noise/shit 3. random tom thumping 4. breakdown
When did they decide to go tuff guy riffing?
articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents articulate exponents
anonymous 8 hours ago Luckily its not coming out on Mediaskare, that shit wouldnt see a release until at least 2013. ^THISS
Am I the only one who pictures Jeff Daniels behind all of LoydChristmas' comments?
Man, I like this band... but where did all the melodic shit go? It seems like tough guy chugging shit.
I'm honestly expecting this to fail hard. It's all hype now.
Holy shit this band is awful. Chug bleach gays.
how da fck can people like this new song ? TGI had a first solid CD, than an OK second CD and this song is just a pain in the ass to listen to. you guys all suck dcks for liking this song butt eaters
Literally sounds *exactly* the same as their last album.
cannot fcking wait amazing band..haters gonn' hate
Haters seriously gunna hate here. You guys can all lick it. Good band, better dudes.
Love these dudes but I've heard the entire records and there are clean vocal singing parts on at least 2 songs. It sounds good but lots of people are going to hate it.
anonymous Great band; seen em a handful of times. Cool that Vigil remembers specific fans comign out to shows. Bummer that KC quit though. That dude was a turd
KC is a gay who still reads lambgoat in hopes that people will actually think he was somehow ever a valid asset. Andrew is 25x better than KC ever hoped to be.
Costanzig4 days ago "Dark Horse" Converge is not stoked. CORRECTION: SWITCHFOOT IS NOT STOKED
"California's most passionate and articulate exponents of hardcore's most powerful and affecting sound that merges insightful and introspective lyrics with charging drums, lightning fast riffs and devastating breakdowns." TGI > This song > The turd who wrote this press release
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