Post CommentHow exactly are you breaking and humiliating the law when you're abiding by visa regulatations? goth douche.
It will be so worth the wait to see Watain. The closest to Dissection one can get these days. http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=hetxbv0w10o&hd=1
As long as they play in NYC i don't care if they don't play in other places, BEHEMOTH and WATAIN RULE! NYC will be the last day so for sure that will be a sold out show full madness, see you in the pit
As long as they play in NYC i don't care if they don't play in other places, BEHEMOTH and WATAIN RULE! NYC will be the last date so for sure that will be a sold out show full madness, see you in the pit
"Erik Danielsson?" Siqq blak mehtul name, duder.
You can't bring rotting animal carcasses across the border, bro.
Ya'll still jam black in 2012??? Ahahahahahaha! gays
well this fcking sucks they were going to play in Iowa on the 15th not anymore but the venue hasn't officaly cancelled the show good thing i checked here hope they make up the date in iowa
Four months to get Visas done. Four shows missed. Great job. *sulks at the St. Paul show*
visa process is a joke for everyone, get thee word out
no shit... i went to the first show in columbus and they were a no show. Watain was the only reason to go. Behemoth was good though, but the other bands were very, very, very gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! !!!!
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