Post Commentwouldnt mind seeing this. ill stay behind the ninjas and throw new flat brim red sox hats to get them dogs blood hungry
I guess you'll have to care then, douche.. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.ak amaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3 /544545_10150670188718181_ 646438180_9566179_15092463 90_n.jpg
That boston crowd is going to be beyond crowded as fck and too many pit warriors.
Notorious Boston outcasts Notorious Boston outcasts Notorious Boston outcasts Notorious Boston outcasts Notorious Boston outcasts Notorious Boston outcasts Notorious Boston outcasts Notorious Boston outcasts Notorious Boston outcasts Notorious Boston outcasts
how do you know there is "no rob" He is in the pic on the poster...just saying.
Didn't they do a string of Europe dates, west coast dates and that philly fest? That's surprising they didn't play a boston or NY show until now.
if rob plays, cool. he didnt play the NE hardcore&metal fest. so...
probly wont be any fights June 29th, nope not one.
Rob has indeed confirmed that Eric Salzer will be providing "siq vox" for these shows in his stead.
Obese alcoholic rapists who work at Ace Auto Parts are stoked.
There will be no moshing at the Boston show since it is banned you silly goose.
Wearing a Yankees hat to the Boston show and a Red Sox hat to the New York hat.
Wearing a Rays hat (flat brim of course) to both shows.
I might have to fly out to Boston for this
revere isnt technically boston and club lido is a anything goes type place.....the an reunion had the most stage dives ive ever seen
Only Lowlifes, Scumbags and Outsiders are gonna be at these shows....My kind of people.
Going to the boston show. Especially for slapshot.
Suburban nerds that wear Dockers and listen to REO Speedwagon are not stoked.
Tony Victory here, will be at the Boston show. I have a lucrative record deal to offer these boys.
The label's new slogan: Victory Records: forget the horrible past! Sign the future.
I also have a large uncut c-ck, if there are any gay skinheads that will be at the Boston show. -Big T
Tony Brummel doesn't care about BFB anymore, he'll be getting enough "Slave To The Game" royalty checks to fund his cocaine habit for the rest of the year
The royalties from that particular album of said band have already been spent spoiling broke desperate and young straight males on Craigslist there smart guy.
That being said. There is a new intern position available at Victory Records.
Call Victory Records and ask for Soapy Jack, you'll get Tony aka The Rat.
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Will be at Boston show.