Post CommentThat situation had to happen in a redneck state like Ohio hahaha When BEHEMOTH plays in NYC the pit will be a fcking living hell
ohio is a redneck state? how the fck did you come to that conclusion? oh, wait, everywhere that isn't ny must be redneck..
Whoever posted the first comment on here is a fcking moron
Brewmaster's isn't even a real venue. Any other venue in this town would be happy to take the tour.
its a privately owned business. stop crying you fcking pussies.
I like how nergal talks shit about America cause one venue owner is religious and doesn't want his beliefs knocked. Way to go Jack! Stay the fck in Poland with your leukemia ass!!
The next time some gaygy Christian metalcore band comes to the Detroit area, I will be protesting because they offend me as an athiest (and also offend me as someone who likes decent music, lol)
So being a drunken belligerent fcktard is cool as long as you love jesus? 'Murica
Watain is on the tour and they are being forced to change venues due to religious controversy? Brewmaster's doesn't even know what a fcking bullet they are dodging. (The bullet is made out of rotten ass roadkill stink)
What the fck are you going on about you stupid foreign Norweigian English-impaired viking gimp? Keep your big nasty ass black metal tongue to yourself and go drown in a big pool of mist in your local norweigian forest where you get your horrid inspirations from. Behemoth: band so bad not even permitted to play in Hell by Lucifer himself.
I hate people who get butthurt over dumb shit.
Regardless of religious affiliation, I'm not sure how anyone could deny how hard Behemoth fcking rips. Shit, I'd let them play my church any day.
Let's play find the Republicans on Lambgoat!
LOL at losing money for your business over silly superstitions. Worship the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.
i think the venue got it right. i don't want to hear any of these bands either.
"Regardless of religious affiliation, I'm not sure how anyone could deny how hard Behemoth fcking rips. Shit, I'd let them play my church any day." Lol that church would be littered in inverted crosses and pentagrams, then be set ablaze during encore.
Ohio/Pennsylvania is actualy where the word "redneck" originated from. look it up!
It's almost laughable that people still believe in God. It's the 21st century. You may as well believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy still.
im getting drunk and whisky fcking that piece of poon who smells like tallboy buds and hot pockets tonight"
Shit I live off of Byron and main st. In Columbus Ohio come play at my house.
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If you feel lucky to be an American, you're a fcking idiot. 95 percent of this shithole is indistinguishable from a third-world country.