NewsMarch 25, 2012 12:47 PM ET12,922 views

Scream It Like You Mean It 2012 tour lineup?

Since it's Sunday, and there isn't much going on, we thought we'd post the rumored lineup for the Scream It Like You Mean It 2012 tour. An announcement isn't expected until April, so we probably won't know for a few weeks, but rumored bands include: We Came As Romans Attack Attack! The Acacia Strain Woe, Is Me Like Moths To Flames Abandon All Ships The Color Morale For All I Am Last year's Scream It Like You Mean It featured Breathe Carolina, Chiodos, and I See Stars, among others, and ran in July and August.


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anonymous 3/25/2012 9:56:40 AM

shit bands. first.

anonymous 3/25/2012 9:59:13 AM

poor Acacia Strain

ineedsalt 3/25/2012 10:00:58 AM

i want to go to every town on this tour just to not go to the show

anonymous 3/25/2012 10:06:33 AM

Acacia Strain? What the hell happened, guys?

anonymous 3/25/2012 10:07:21 AM

How about someone put a tour together with all good bands. Not a couple of good ones and the rest shit bands. I guess when your managment and booking agents are getting paid to put shit bands on tours this will never end.

thelovesausage 3/25/2012 10:12:11 AM

C'mon Acacia. You are better than this tour full of fcktards.

xburnfacex 3/25/2012 10:13:29 AM

TAS shouldn't be on this.

maclyn 3/25/2012 10:18:39 AM

Will arrive before tas and leave after if I can go for free. Otherwise, no care ever.

anonymous 3/25/2012 10:22:08 AM

Van flip times a thousand.

anonymous 3/25/2012 10:35:58 AM

We came as gays

ineedsalt 3/25/2012 10:43:25 AM

^ LOL every post is better with gay

anonymous 3/25/2012 11:11:12 AM

Since when has TAS been a good band? They are just as cheesy as the risecore shit.

oddman 3/25/2012 11:38:56 AM

This is fcking dumb.

anonymous 3/25/2012 11:43:39 AM

When did people stop making fun of The Acacia Strain? I'm disappointed in all of you.

TheLoudestGuyInTheRoom 3/25/2012 11:45:29 AM

Ugh..this is just awful. TAS can't even save this shitfest

anonymous 3/25/2012 11:48:55 AM

Why is Acacia on a tour with all this shit? gayfest. Hot Topic rats are stoked.

anonymous 3/25/2012 11:52:14 AM

Why is everyone talking like Acacia Strain is great? They suck along with the bullshit emocore.

anonymous 3/25/2012 12:05:39 PM

I remember a time when Vincent of TAS would call these kind of shit bands out for being horrible and phoney. Now, he's part of the machine. Sucks.

anonymous 3/25/2012 12:07:32 PM


anonymous 3/25/2012 12:08:47 PM

i hear from a very good source refused are going to be playing this.

anonymous 3/25/2012 12:16:32 PM

The more I read about this fest, the more I have the inclination to suck dck

TheLoudestGuyInTheRoom 3/25/2012 12:50:26 PM

Although, it might be amusing to tell FTFD in person how much I enjoyed the production values of the "Let Go" video

anonymous 3/25/2012 1:05:51 PM

Im going to hit everyone during The Acacia Strain

anonymous 3/25/2012 1:34:40 PM

I'd rather be butt fcked by every member of acacia strain than go to this shit fest.

anonymous 3/25/2012 2:14:11 PM

The only difference acacia strain has from these bands is they hold down the first fret on the a string to make it "sludgy. This tour makes me sick

anonymous 3/25/2012 2:25:09 PM

Tour sucks but will draw a crazy amount of kids. Smart move by TAS.

anonymous 3/25/2012 3:03:02 PM

I used to have respect for TAS that ends now

anonymous 3/25/2012 3:04:56 PM

The Acacia Strain always been lame from the start, noah will be your grave gays.

anonymous 3/25/2012 3:17:58 PM

Why the fck is TAS on this tour? So not keen on all the Risecore.

anonymous 3/25/2012 3:26:39 PM

Scream it like you mean it? Don't you mean scream it and sell it to angsty preteens? What a bunch of shit show bands. Pedophiles are sweating for this tour so they can pick up some sweet underage poon with mommy and daddy problems... "Ohhh, what a bummer, if you came home with me I'd never make you do chores"

anonymous 3/25/2012 3:56:06 PM

Vincent is going to lose his fcking mind if they get put in this garbage can of a tour.

anonymous 3/25/2012 4:52:33 PM

like TAS has any control over who they tour with? unfortunately its with garbage. Also, Vincent will rip all your fcking heads off one by one, dont believe the hype.

anonymous 3/25/2012 5:30:02 PM

can we get something different. i feel that these bands tour together often in some,shape, form or fashion often. they ALL suck!!!!!

xBottomFeederx 3/25/2012 7:09:20 PM

TheLoudestGuyInTheRoom6 hours ago Although, it might be amusing to tell FTFD in person how much I enjoyed the production values of the "Let Go" video Can I go with?

LoydChristmas 3/25/2012 8:31:25 PM

Will be at The closest date by the restrooms selling vicodins to the underage poon in exchange for bj's

dog_boner 3/25/2012 11:03:48 PM

Play A Seven Hour Long Breakdown Like You Mean It

anonymous 3/25/2012 11:48:48 PM

you guys do know all the hot scene girls would go to this right?

anonymous 3/25/2012 11:57:14 PM

anonymous 4 minutes ago you guys do know all the hot scene girls would go to this right? Hence why 99& of LGers are virgins

XBaconXEdgeX 3/26/2012 6:54:19 AM

The Color Morale is better than The Acacia Strain. I don't know what all of you are talking about.

anonymous 3/26/2012 7:02:08 AM

anonymous18 hours ago I remember a time when Vincent of TAS would call these kind of shit bands out for being horrible and phoney. Now, he's part of the machine. Sucks. Because you know him, right?

therearetoomanybands 3/26/2012 7:41:54 AM

anonymous 19 hours ago Why is everyone talking like Acacia Strain is great? They suck along with the bullshit emocore. Right on, cowboy.

anonymous 3/26/2012 8:01:38 AM

I'm fcking appalled by the lack of hate for TAS here. Has shit gotten so bad it makes them actually look GOOD to impressionable retards? What the fck happened to this site. Kill yourselves, all of you.

anonymous 3/26/2012 8:28:56 AM

I hate all of you sages

anonymous 3/26/2012 8:30:56 AM

I like pizza

anonymous 3/26/2012 10:33:51 AM

I'm going for TAS and swinging on every fcking scene kid there....

anonymous 3/26/2012 2:12:20 PM

When will u gays realize that ideals mean nothing when the van needs gas and your roadcase needs a roadcase.

sandpaperseatbelts 3/26/2012 2:18:01 PM

Seen tas at a Despised Icon show once. Theyre the worst band I've seen live seen kill shitney dead.^^^ hey kid punch yourself first for not realizing that YOU ARE THE SCENE. gay

anonymous 3/26/2012 2:21:12 PM

Yeah, im the scene while you actually pay $ to see Canadian wiggercore. Kill yourself at your computer gay.

sandpaperseatbelts 3/26/2012 3:06:07 PM

Haha u mad bro? Wiggercore? They don't even rap! Unless you mean the baseball caps jerseys and shorts in which case I thought was more of a nyc hardcore thing. Also I can't kill myself at my computer because I don't own one... I could kill myself beside myself beside my smartphone... would that make you feel better you mean ole cyberbully you?

anonymous 3/26/2012 5:04:26 PM

Will be getting food during all bands except for tas

anonymous 3/27/2012 2:16:15 PM

Love how gay metal heads think they run this site. KIll yourselves.

xBottomFeederx 3/28/2012 11:37:00 AM

2 days ago I like pizza Best friends.

anonymous 3/29/2012 1:19:31 AM

anonymous 1 day ago Love how gay metal heads think they run this site. KIll yourselves. ^^this. forever.

anonymous 3/29/2012 7:43:50 AM

Why is Acacia Strain playing with these pussies??

anonymous 4/2/2012 1:15:40 PM

Have not heard acia strain ...but arent the rest of these fckers like boy bands with metal and hardcore bits thrown in...... whe the fck do people cal this shit metalcore, its not metal or hardcore, it bad hair dos and suckish pop... maybe I will put on my steel toes and check this tour out..... thanks for ruining hard music you fcking whiny jerks!!!!!!

anonymous 4/6/2012 2:03:16 PM

apparently no one can have their own taste of music. if you dont like it dont go. simple.

anonymous 4/6/2012 6:07:17 PM

This is such a fcking good lineup.

anonymous 4/7/2012 10:42:44 PM

Calm down, everyone had there own opinions, my opinion I like these bands and saw most of them live before ABD would definitely go again, so if you don't like them, then don't see them.

anonymous 4/18/2012 12:13:56 PM

you guys put TAS on a pedestal. TAS suck dck. and they are a "risecore" band now, seeing that they announced their signing to Rise Records on April 17th. The Color Morale is the best band on this list.

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