NewsMarch 19, 2012 11:41 AM ET20,864 views

Summer Slaughter 2012 lineup revealed

This entire post has been updated a few times, so rather than append the latest information to the end where nobody will see it, I'm going to put it at the top. You can read everything down below for context, but here is the actual Summer Slaughter 2012 lineup in its proper order: Cannibal Corpse Between The Buried And Me The Faceless Periphery Veil of Maya Job For A Cowboy Goatwhore Exhumed Cerebral Bore --------------------------- The folks behind the 2012 edition of the Summer Slaughter Tour have been slowly (and inconsistently) announcing the lineup for the tour. Thus far, Cannibal Corpse, Between the Buried and Me, The Faceless, Exhumed, Goatwhore, and Veil of Maya have all been officially announced. The last announcement took place on February 20th. In the interim, a few bands have been strongly rumored though not announced, most notably Job For A Cowboy. On Saturday, we received word that the August 11th lineup of Canada's Heavy Mtl fest included all of the announced Summer Slaughter bands in addition to Job For A Cowboy and Periphery. Then this morning, MetalSucks noted that a Mayhem Festival 2012 Facebook account (I say "a" account because it is NOT the official RockStar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival Facebook page). Although Metalsucks was assuming the account is the official Fest one, it is not. In other words, we're not sure who runs that account, but nevertheless, they posted what they claim to be the "Summer Slaughter 2012 Lineup" and their lineup is as follows: Cannibal Corpse Between The Buried And Me Job For A Cowboy Periphery The Faceless Veil of Maya Goatwhore Fleshgod Apocalypse Exhumed So who the fuck knows, but I think when you look at all of the evidence, it's pretty safe to assume that Job For A Cowboy and Periphery will be the next two bands announced by Summer Slaughter organizers. And Fleshgod Apocalypse may be part of the lineup as well. Oh well, we've done way too many Summer Slaughter 2012 posts, so this may be the last until the dates are announced.


Post Comment

anonymous 3/19/2012 8:50:05 AM

best lineup since 2007/2008

anonymous 3/19/2012 8:52:19 AM


anonymous 3/19/2012 8:52:56 AM

kids are gonna fcking die

anonymous 3/19/2012 8:53:49 AM


anonymous 3/19/2012 8:55:50 AM

^ yes

anonymous 3/19/2012 9:09:36 AM

I hate that the Toronto stop is the second day of Heavy TO. Tickets are like $90/day. fck that.

anonymous 3/19/2012 9:20:07 AM

Fleshgod was on last years lineup so why would they be on again

anonymous 3/19/2012 9:33:30 AM

All those bands fcking suck. Who gives a shit what the last couple of bands are? It won't be anyone worth the price of admission....and I get in for free.

xburnfacex 3/19/2012 9:40:23 AM

Webby has a hard on for Summer Slaughter.

ineedsalt 3/19/2012 10:19:25 AM

goatwhore. How?? they are the band that gets on tours like this without you knowing yet you still dont care. im looking at you gizmachi, god forbid, two cents, six feet under (fck what they were, what they are now)...who else am i missing....

Snoopy2 3/19/2012 10:27:33 AM

No hardcore no care . punch a gay deathcore kid in the face

anonymous 3/19/2012 10:35:35 AM

if you think these bands suck, why the fck are you even on lambgoat...gtfo you trolling twats. go throw on some lady gaga and pop your collar gays

long_insured_now 3/19/2012 10:36:33 AM

^ Favorite band is Nickelback

LoydChristmas 3/19/2012 11:06:37 AM

attendees at the fest will include the following: -oldz -fatz -old fatz -young fatz -grody metal nerds -idiots -bedroom guitar spoogers -probably a few 6/10's

anonymous 3/19/2012 11:49:42 AM

if you don't like ANY of these bands you either: A. just don't actually listen to heavy music B. have never actually seen any of these bands live in person C. you don't actually know jack shit about music D. you got a rib removed so you can guzzle your own c-m

anonymous 3/19/2012 12:55:55 PM

Goatwhore and Exhumed are definitely on this because Goatwhore was talking about the two of them being on Summer Slaughter this year on stage at their Hate Eternal tour show I saw them at.

TheLoudestGuyInTheRoom 3/19/2012 2:55:37 PM

The next band they're gonna book is Slaughter. "ROCK ALLL NIGHT, SLEEEP ALLL DAYY.."

sandpaperseatbelts 3/19/2012 3:22:46 PM

^^^^bedroom guitar spoogers... welp, i guess i'll be there after all. and kid you like "hardcore" but want to "punch a gay deathcore kid in the face". too bad you don't even realize your two little genres are so closely related that most people can't tell the difference. also swinging your fists around in circles in a "pit" doesn't make you a hardass. queer

anonymous 3/19/2012 3:53:59 PM

this makes for an awkward attendance

anonymous 3/19/2012 4:10:11 PM

real hardcore doesn't have breakdown and never fcking did. deathcore should be re-labeled, deathshit. die everyone

anonymous 3/19/2012 9:00:18 PM

JFAC, Periphery, The Faceless, and Veil of Maya, with the possibility of hopefully either Aegaeon or Fallujah opening. I. Am. In. Definitely hoping for Nashville date, or at least Atlanta.

anonymous 3/19/2012 10:45:06 PM

pathology and cerbal bore are the opener. Freaking gay

anonymous 3/20/2012 4:21:37 AM

Fleshgod isn't on this.

StevenGlasl 3/20/2012 5:09:29 AM

eehh probably wont go

anonymous 3/20/2012 7:47:20 AM

i hear from a very good source refused are going to be playing this.

anonymous 3/20/2012 8:12:54 AM

LOL @ the notion that hardcore and deathcore are "so closely related."

Dyami_LIAV 3/20/2012 9:40:45 AM

I like Periphery and all, but they don't belong on this. I don't see them going over well, or winning over the mostly death metal fans that attend this thing.

anonymous 3/20/2012 10:33:18 AM

I hope fleshgod is on again. Their bus broke down on us last year and they didn't play for Sayreville.

LoydChristmas 3/20/2012 11:53:05 AM

lol @ someone having their hand forced

anonymous 3/20/2012 11:53:07 AM

I think most peopel that actuallygo to these shows are little more open minded than you shit talking internet dweebs. Excellent lineup for anybody that loves metal but isn't a closed minded music snob idiot. I'm an old school metal fan and I love this lineup. Hoping for Battlecross or Vildhjarta as an opener. Fallujah would probably be cool too since I've heard good things but never heard them.

anonymous 3/20/2012 2:48:24 PM

skinny jean emo gays are stoked

anonymous 3/20/2012 7:14:09 PM

Doesnt matter who plays. At the end of the day, the tour will still owe Corey Brandon money

anonymous 3/21/2012 10:31:34 AM

I don't know why people are saying this lineup has gay bands and shit. It's far better then last year.

anonymous 3/21/2012 12:32:34 PM

Oh pathology is on it? Well that figures. The drummer buys them onto everything because he knocked up some rich bitch.

anonymous 3/22/2012 9:54:39 PM

Goatwhore is stoked.

anonymous 3/25/2012 7:13:51 PM

Veil Of Maya and BTBAM at the same goddamn place at the same goddamn time? There will be a rift in the divide of the goddamn Universe in a universe. That fcking show will not make sense. Can't fckin' wait.

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