Post CommentGay band is gay. Lose all of your vocalists and stay under the same name. Get fcked gays.
this band name has never been more appropriate.
gay band loses three gays over gayry. kill yourselves.
just die out already...along with other noise pollution such as attack attack, asking alexandria, we came as romans, abandon all ships, etc, etc.
gay fcking band, please drive off a fcking ravine!!!!
You know you got too many useless keyboard players when THREE people constitutes "nearly half the lineup"
Nothing makes me love Lambgoat more than comment threads like this.
So that's 4 members in the last half year. Urdoinsomethinwronggays !
Woe, is my collection of black shirts with neon band logos and swoop hair
I will literally columbine the next band that posts a video update in response to losing members
Nice to see all the hater gays jumpin at a chance to talk shit about a shit band because mom doesn't allow cussing 'under her roof.'
Wait are they Jesus core or something? Unless someone fcked someone else's wife, that's the only reason any of these gays ever bring up "morals" discussing a band split.
"Members Austin Thornton Kevin Hanson Andrew Paiano Hance Alligood" How the fck do you lose three emember, but still have four remaining members? Is this a band, or a treehouse club?
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Are there two Andrew Paiano's? Because there's one from toronto that used to be in Abandon All Ships... oh, and gay gay c-ck gay c-ck gay gay c-ck c-ck fck.
I love how -no one- cares, yet this is one of the most viewed articles on the front page.
LOL at the dude who knew someones name from abandon all ships then tried to slam woe is me.
I love how -no one- cares, yet this is one of the most viewed articles on the front page. ^Most viewed articles because everyone knows when a band like this makes the front page, the comments are going to be golden.
Blah blah blah is all I'm hearing. Now they suck. Sad to see two of my friends leave this band but hopefully they will bounce back and create a better band than this one
lol at all you gays 4000 views and nobody cares???....k haha
WHAT?!?! High schooolers everywhere are so not stoked.
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woe are deathcore kids. first post.