Post CommentThis band actually used to be awful. This sounds okay.
glad they took frankies dck out of their mouths. From what i am hearing in this video they are stepping it up.
These guys are horrible..... there drummers a bitch to should of broke up
Was expecting to read that they added Ace Enders.
Sounds Like.... Garbage.... I went to a show yesterday, and every band sounded like this... metal needs to move away from open C chugging... lame...
Stoked for this these guys are the nicest dudes around,yeah they might not be original but they put on one hell of a show.
When will everyone get off the whole emmure kick already. It's old news and this sounds nothing like them at all. Good luck guys, fck the haters!
"When will everyone get off the whole emmure kick already. It's old news and this sounds nothing like them at all. Good luck guys, fck the haters!" .............. no.
Stoked on these dudes! So much potential and talent. I don't expect the little kids that comment here with no sense to understand this band. There is mix of ur new school metal " emmure" as you say yet an old school feel like " pantera" and thats what's up. Get with it!
Nope, not in true band but I do know them personally. Again, dont expect the little kids on here to understand
anonymous 1 hour ago Stoked on these dudes! So much potential and talent. I don't expect the little kids that comment here with no sense to understand this band... lemme guess youre like 24/25 and think you can "recognize a good band when ya see one dude" and refer to any trend-loving 19 yr old as a "kid" and talk about "back in the day" when really your back-in-the-day was just a couple years ago
It's comments like this douche ^ that give or should I say don't give the music today any chance. What makes a good band? What makes them original? What band isnt sounding like someone else? It's all been done.
glad they took frankies dck out of their mouths. From what i am hearing in this video they are stepping it up. how could you possibly tell that from a 17 second clip. btw, danny lavarco used to look like a little girl before he got that awful neck tattoo. god this band sucks...
Stoked on these dudes! So much potential and talent. I don't expect the little kids that comment here with no sense to understand this band. There is mix of ur new school metal " emmure" as you say yet an old school feel like " pantera" and thats what's up. Get with it! frank palmeri, get the fck off lambgoat
Hey guys I just want to say that I'm in the band and I don't appreciate all the rude comments so please stop! :/
Ender is super talented and are some good dudes.Hopefully they go on tour soon.
Firstly, NO CARE EVER. Secondly, who adds ppl to a band thats name is Ender? Shouldn't ya'll be kicking more ppl out of the band? Yer doing it wrong.
glad they took frankies dck out of their mouths. From what i am hearing in this video they are stepping it up. how could you possibly tell that from a 17 second clip. btw, danny lavarco used to look like a little girl before he got that awful neck tattoo. god this band sucks... ^^ seems like this kid cares a whole lot about danny lavarco if he cant seem to shut up about him. LMFAO!
Dimebag is rolling in his grave with the use of "Pantera" by poster. You are absolutely fcking insane if you think this is anything close to godlike.
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