Post CommentMediocre, and i usually love me some Deathwish. Lately they have been signing anything that sounds remotly influenced by Converge (got to keep the legacy going somehow, good business move i guess). This band sounds like a worse version of the band Power.
Never heard this band But I'm guessing since their initials are COK, that the music sucks a big one
Band is awesome and sounds nothing like Power.
The more i hear about Deathwish, the more i hate Converge.
anonymous 33 minutes ago Never heard this band But I'm guessing since their initials are COK, that the music sucks a big one HAHAHA
This band slays so hard live! Im fcking stoked for this
this is pretty decent stuff here.
awesome news!! Code Orange Kids is an amazing band.
they're playing near me tonight. I'm assuming from this announcement the show price is $12 now because they're already indent to Deathwish
Great band name. Hate the Trash Talky sound they have though.
These kids were pompous dckheads when they were an unsigned band. Thanks, Deathwish, now every time they'll play a hometown show they are going to hit their heads off of the door frames because their heads are so huge now.
anonymous19 minutes agoThese kids were pompous dckheads when they were an unsigned band. Thanks, Deathwish, now every time they'll play a hometown show they are going to hit their heads off of the door frames because their heads are so huge now. You sound like a jealous piece of shit. You're probably in a band that's awful and wish this was you, but it isn't. Shut the fck up.
^ So other people can't have opinions? What if they seemed like dckheads to him? Oh boy, can't have that. They now have the exact same amount of fans after he thought that. fck off.
18 year olds writing "important" music. Lol at them claiming to have anything of substance or urgency. Also, lol at the band member responding.
its funny we laugh at people who are young and writing music but in 5 years everyone on here will be bitching about "how they like the old stuff only" reguardless never heard of this band but goodluck
George W. Bush had this to say: "Code Orange Kids? Should be a Code Red on my terror list, damn noisy punks. Forget this, I'll stick to doing blow while listening to some CCR"
terrible hissyfit hardbore. stay home and practice.
just got this album off bandcamp. I dont know what everyone is bitching about. Shit sounds dope.
I'm proud of the Kids a whole bunch. They deserved it.
Also, I'm proud that COK is at the level of anonymous news only posters talking shit. Good for them.
i too was LOLified by "hissy fit hardbore"
i've seen this band over one hundred times. they have sucked dck every time.
You guys are such gays. Lambgoat users just shit on everything no matter what. This place is just a dck wagging contest to see who can act like more of a pompous ass. I saw these guys live and they were awesome and seemed like cool kids.
anonymous9 hours ago i've seen this band over one hundred times. they have sucked dck every time. says the dumb c-cksucker that still continues to attend their shows.
xBaconxEdgex 4 hours ago You guys are such gays. Lambgoat users just shit on everything no matter what. This place is just a dck wagging contest to see who can act like more of a pompous ass. I saw these guys live and they were awesome and seemed like cool kids. <- How do you all fck each other after the show if you're all bottoms?
Master trolls. fck that band - and fck all the silly-sills. However, the thing about "hissy-fit hardbore" rules! fcking van-flip!
This band is a bunch of over priveledge babies...Their drummer is a crybaby with a mouth full of braces. They give Pittsburgh a even worse name. oh and watch out, they have a "crew"...
anonymous9 hours ago i've seen this band over one hundred times. they have sucked dck every time. says the dumb c-cksucker that still continues to attend their shows. clearly, you're a dumb c-cksucker who doesn't attend shows in pittsburgh.
they use SUNN so they're good, just saying. nice kids when they came through, hopefully deathwish doesn't bankrupt them before they turn 21
to anyone who posted on here, saying they hate the band. what is the point of wasting your time commenting on a band that you think is so awful. you make music awful by complaining about the bands you think are terrible. just dont say anything.
edhochuli is the only band from pittsburgh that matters.
anonymous5 hours ago edhochuli is the only band from pittsburgh that matters. Though I don't agree with this completely, I give you props because that band rules.
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that name is horrible. almost as bad as tessaract. why did you pull it webbie?