NewsJanuary 20, 2012 3:32 PM ET7,874 views

Biohazard cancels free album release

Biohazard has apparently abandoned (or postponed) plans to make their new album Reborn In Defiance available for free download to U.S. fans. The band has issued the following statement: "We regret to inform you all that due to circumstances beyond our control, we will not be able to offer our new record 'Reborn In Defiance' in the US at this time. We love all of you who have continued to support us through the years and can't wait to share with you a record that we are extremely proud of. Thank you so much for your understanding and patience and a special thanks to our partners Revolver, Repudo and Google for their hard work setting this up. All of our touring plans are still solidified and we are excited to see you all out on the road!"


Post Comment

withoutashield 1/20/2012 12:43:24 PM

Sorry folks, we had that shit on Megaupload.. Since AARP won't explain how sites like mediafire work, we'll have to cancel the free album release.

anonymous 1/20/2012 12:44:45 PM

Wrong Side Of The MP3 Tracks

marching_band_rules 1/20/2012 12:45:57 PM

absolutely fcking hilarious

therearetoomanybands 1/20/2012 12:47:29 PM

Hopefully they'll cancel the album entirely. ...but i dream.

anonymous 1/20/2012 12:59:41 PM

SOPA vs. Hardcore

menfuckyeah 1/20/2012 1:02:25 PM

They didn't want to see that no one listened to it before it was released.

anonymous 1/20/2012 1:19:46 PM

Music has become a parody of itself.

anonymous 1/20/2012 1:23:30 PM

They were going to release it for free but Cory Brandan talked them out of it

anonymous 1/20/2012 1:28:11 PM

they expect people to pay for their crap music?

anonymous 1/20/2012 1:30:48 PM

whoa, for a second there though the title said BIOCIDE. breathing a little bit easier now

LoydChristmas 1/20/2012 1:37:06 PM


anonymous 1/20/2012 1:45:47 PM

I was getting it free regardless so...

cgrind3000 1/20/2012 1:59:27 PM

Cory Branden advised them against it

anonymous 1/20/2012 4:13:49 PM

all 17 of their fans have attempted suicide due to the release of this news.

le_cunt 1/20/2012 4:39:18 PM

lol. how did google help in this?

anonymous 1/20/2012 5:00:54 PM

Who the fck is Cory Brendan?

anonymous 1/20/2012 5:08:04 PM

And their cleaver marketing tactic continues.

anonymous 1/20/2012 5:29:51 PM

their music should be classed as a biohazard

anonymous 1/20/2012 5:35:47 PM

anonymous 28 minutes ago Who the fck is Cory Brendan? you probably owe him some money

anonymous 1/20/2012 6:22:00 PM

"Music is for you and me, not the fcking industry"

anonymous 1/20/2012 6:48:01 PM

I'd rather listen to Emmure.

anonymous 1/20/2012 6:48:56 PM

hahahahahahaha.This would suck if I was gonna download the free version. These guys won't draw more than 5 non paying people to a show. Washed up and over with. Better go get real jobs guys. hahaha

anonymous 1/20/2012 6:50:40 PM

I will rather listen to shit hitting the water in my tiolet than these jerks.

anonymous 1/20/2012 6:54:42 PM

Tera PatrickTera PatrickTera PatrickTera Patrick

anonymous 1/20/2012 6:57:24 PM

The band didn't want to get tweeted by Dez Fafara so they cancelled their free album.

cgrind3000 1/20/2012 7:46:44 PM

U r not a tr00 lambgoater if you don't know who Cory Branden is...Go listen to Kidz Bop, gay.

anonymous 1/20/2012 8:30:38 PM


ineedsalt 1/20/2012 10:08:51 PM

i didnt ask for the album so no harm no foul

anonymous 1/20/2012 10:53:05 PM

Pony 1/21/2012 4:58:40 AM

Real press release:"Since we cant seem to give this shit away in America, we wont even waste our time trying. Europeans will listen to ANYTHING, we will try our luck there."

anonymous 1/21/2012 5:45:12 AM

It's like they went "the industry is doomed, downloading must be embraced" then SOPA blew up and Mediafire went down and the old timers have become a bit too excited about things returning to the old ways. Nope.

forumdrama 1/21/2012 9:49:53 PM

What they're not telling you is that Evan is back in the band, and he's said fck no to free releases. He made it clear a long time ago that he'll kick the ass of anyone downloading his band's music - so giving it away for free, fck no. Wait for the news update. /sarcasm

Snoopy2 1/22/2012 6:53:17 AM

RIAA and SOPA are stoked

anonymous 1/23/2012 1:55:10 PM

It's my money and I need it now!!!

anonymous 1/24/2012 11:34:06 AM

Dude had to pay his medical bills

Tags: Biohazard

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