Post Commentbest fcking news. fck baron that fck tubby fck.
I don't like most of the bands on Epitaph... they should have stuck with Mediaskare. They're future albums will most likely go mainstream now.
lol @ choosing Mediaskare over Epitaph.
Pete Rutcho is yet again Mixing and Mastering their record. He mixed/mastered "returners". Band fcking sucks at giving credit where credit is due.
Hopefully their new record doesn't sound like shit.
anonymous 23 minutes ago Pete Rutcho is yet again Mixing and Mastering their record. He mixed/mastered "returners". Band fcking sucks at giving credit where credit is due. permalink | report abuse well keith buckley probably wrote that press release, so
sweet...about time they got off Mediaskare
Don't know how I feel about this.......music's probably going to be less heavy and more mainstream but I might like that.......
Who the fck thought mediaskare was a better move?? Lol
it could be a decent record actually. not gonna hate this outright.
if they go mainstream it will prob sound like some adtr bullshit
They deserve this 100%, Returners is a masterpiece. They just need to stop touring with such shitty bands.
I bet Rise is pissed. There goes their cash cow hahaha
Anyone who thinks this is going to be less heavy is out of their mind. The new stuff has some songs that are heavier than anything they have so far.
lol they tour with shitty bands bc of epitaph...so don't ever expect to see them in an intimate venue ever again
Heavy melodic hardcore all male screaming guitars shoe wearing...ummmm how else can i categorize this band
Do you fcks know Baron personally? I would be really interested to know where the hate for him comes from. P.S. Who is Jeremy Mickinion
f they add singing on this record, itll start the downhill spiral.
baron is stoked on pizza, bummed on TGI, and still trying to push as blood runs wack.
It'll be an amazing record, Aaron can do no harm.
Baron made that band what they are. Bought them on numerous tours and what not. If you talk shit on him you obviously don't know him. Just because your band sucks and failed on his label doesnt mean media skare sucks. maybe you and your band sucks. Or your just jealous.
I know Baron, he is actually a nice dude despite the haters.
gay band shit label, warped tour is stoked
enough of the this label that label talk. just hope the music stays good.
Another success story out of the Mediaskare camp. Baron Bodnar may not be the most like-able person,(cuz he don't suck dck) but he seems to really know how to develop talent. Congrats to Ghost Inside, Betrayal, As Blood Runs Black, Bury Your Dead, Volumes, and Yellowcard. You all have Baron to thank for taking a risk on you when no one else would. Just saying.
I'm sure they know that they have Baron to thank for giving them the shot, but to stick with Mediaskare would not have given them future opportunities to grow and reach new fans. Good for them, they made a smart move and hope they gave Victory the finger if they made a run at them. New music sounds good so far. Still heavy. It's going to be a great album that everyone who has like them in the past will enjoy.
Baron's an awesome dude and he developed his label and roster with utmost taste and professionalism. A label that has gone downhill FAST is Rise.
"Baron's an awesome dude and he developed his label and roster with utmost taste and professionalism. " reported for abuse
Some gaygit says - "but he seems to really know how to develop talent. Congrats to Ghost Inside, volumes, As Blood Runs Black, Bury Your Dead,..." Bury your dead was already developed you dumbass. Volumes does everything themselves, they record themselves and produce everything. Mediaskare didn't help them from the ground up at all. Other then distribution purposes I'm still tryin to figure out why they're on mediaskare, outerloop books for them. fck everything and everyone.
Baron just buys his bands on tours and pays booking agents to book his bands. If that's called developing bands...
LOL @ anyone saying Baron is anything more then a piece of shit, lying, leeching thief. He deserves what he gets. Congrats to TGI, great to see they won't be trapped inside the worst label in music any longer.
i only ever see little pssy gays that suck each others c-cks wearing this bands t shirts. what a load of horse shit and goo. go fck your mother
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