Post CommentIn this day and age, im suprised anyone does.
i thought it was already recorded, i've heard a new song already... unless that was a b-side.. oh well, i'm stoked, i like these dudes' music
not as bad as other hardcore bands, but equal amounts of no care
Loved their first album. Haven't cared so much for the ones that followed.
sweet then they can go on tour with make me famous again.
Dammit. This band sucks. Last album sucked dck.
fck you all. Hope Div was sick. stoked for this.
Hardcore is boring. At least this kind of "hardcore" is. So is that water band, whatever their name is.
Motivational speeches during shows are stoked
this band is ok, what really makes this band a good hardcore band is that they talk about more than who they fcked and who they got into a fight with.
Stoked for this. Like the new sounding tunes.
Surprisingly good sound for being recorded at the Blasting Room. The Hope Division had such a shitty studio sound. 80% of the Blasting Room albums sound like shit, but once in a while they will capture good tone (such as Comeback Kid's Wake The Dead and No Trigger's Canyoneer)
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couldn't care any less about this shithole band