NewsOctober 29, 2011 8:16 PM ET12,109 views

Sons Of Azrael guitarist shot, paralyzed

Tony Lorenzo, guitarist and founding member of Buffalo death metal band Sons Of Azrael, was shot by an armed robber while walking in Buffalo's Elmwood Village earlier this week. The 25 year-old is currently paralyzed from the waist down, with a bullet lodged in his spinal column. Lorenzo's friend, Alex Artemas, told WIVB in Buffalo that "[Lorenzo] and I were just walking to a friend's house, and it was just a complete random hit, came from behind, never saw it coming." According to Lorenzo, "The kid asked me, he said, 'Give me what you got.' And before I could even get my wallet out, he just shot me." You can view WIVB's full story on the matter here. Meanwhile, a PayPal account ( has been set up to accept donations for Lorenzo.


Post Comment

Jon 10/29/2011 5:26:25 PM

Shit's fcked up.

wyatt 10/29/2011 5:44:44 PM

he can still rage in a wheel chair

Angrysamoan 10/29/2011 5:47:46 PM

What a piece of shit.

meatflip 10/29/2011 5:48:46 PM

I hate this fcking world.

impendingdouche 10/29/2011 5:55:44 PM

Holy fck, what a nightmare.

baker 10/29/2011 6:38:36 PM

thats bullshit. this band rules. bullshit. shoot the other dude.

polepatrol 10/29/2011 7:08:54 PM

Good dude, whoever did this is a pssy piece of shit

needssalt 10/29/2011 7:14:57 PM

that fcking sucks. wish that dude well. somebody find that fool and do what you gotta do

xthexoncomingxstormx 10/29/2011 7:26:29 PM

Well, on the bright side, the metal world now has a replacement for Seth Putnam.

YouGotScanned 10/29/2011 7:40:50 PM

fck! I know this dude, and he is a great fcking dude! This week fcking sucks!!! I AM PISSED

xenosapien 10/29/2011 7:43:44 PM

Not the most efficient way to rob someone.

GOKILLYOURSELF 10/29/2011 8:13:18 PM


guitarist_sandy 10/29/2011 11:11:20 PM

fck I hate people.

f28r06a42n12k 10/29/2011 11:27:48 PM

he should collaborate on the next crotchduster album

Arkham256 10/30/2011 1:37:25 AM

Never listened to this band, but that fcking sucks. fck the guy who shot him. Anyone who does that for no reason deserves to be stabbed in the throat with a rusty screwdriver.

bringer_des_blutes 10/30/2011 1:54:24 AM

so sad. get well.

Danger 10/30/2011 6:18:36 AM

no point in saying get well....he's paralyzed!

sloppyjoes 10/30/2011 12:20:31 PM

shitty news, great guy, here's to hoping for a full recovery!

drewcifer 10/30/2011 12:27:48 PM

super nice dude. super fcked up.

needssalt 10/30/2011 12:37:19 PM

damn smurfs are looking for payback. watch your back Gargamel

Chicken_gang_bang 10/30/2011 4:34:39 PM

Wheelchair flip

zachshallperish 10/30/2011 4:55:36 PM

I would like to put the perp's head in a vice and slowly twist that shit.

hardware 10/31/2011 8:12:33 AM

That's terrible. Hope this guy gets a full recovery.

RickRock 10/31/2011 10:29:05 AM

f28r06a42n12k 10/29/2011 11:27:48 PM - "he should collaborate on the next crotchduster album" Wow...LOL!

LoydChristmas 10/31/2011 11:05:19 AM

in a perfect world this would've happened to someone from Attack Attack or something. fck this.

big_metal_al 10/31/2011 1:33:55 PM

sucks, great dude. frickin buffalo.

jimmydeanbreakfast 11/2/2011 4:40:04 PM

situations like this are proof that god doesnt exist.

Snoopy2 7/17/2012 7:15:55 AM

Used to see him up in the hood when I was fourteen/fifteen. Solid fcking dude. Moshed like a motherfcker. fck this incident and its perpetrator.

anonymous 3/9/2017 2:51:19 PM

It was one of Obama's sons.

anonymous 4/10/2017 1:01:24 PM

I ran a story about Tony Lorenzo today RIP and his mom contacted me via a friend and asked that I change "paralyzed from the waist down," to "paralyzed from the chest down." I am writing to ask if you can make the same edits on the stories you published. That would be much appreciated.

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