Post Comment^ hahaha i forgot that they were twytch. im starting a band called chest cold keep an eye out for it
11.11.11. Skyrim comes out. fck this band.
I've lived 15 minutes from Lowell my entire life and have never heard of this band.
"Then to all the great companies .....that endorsed us"....actually its you who endorse them. i doubt Jager made it a point to give out free Hell Within cd's with every bottle, i'm sure they could give a shit.
I guess there WAS hell within... *rim shot*
i liked the stuff with their old singer. the new guy can fck himself.
i reviewed this band once and their fcking idiot publicist/manager Cynthia Donovan went out of her way to start shit about it. real professional, fckin twit. i can see she really rocketed this band into stardom, didn't she?
^no one with the name Cynthia has ever done anything good.
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